Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[Discontinued] Pixelmon Adventure Map: Pixelmon Garnet (Alpha download available)

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Level 29 : Expert Miner
Project is discontinued for the foreseeable future.
Thanks to everyone who's played this map so far, it's very much appreciated!

Map info:
Pixelmon Garnet is a map designed to be like the original games:
you'll have routes, towns, cities, trainers, npcs, pokemarts and more!
However you can also still explore the world as it is (this world has custom terrain generation making it even more interesting).

Features (Alpha version):
- 4 Gyms and Badges to obtain
- 2-3 hours of gameplay
- Pokemon based features like Routes, Trainers and hidden items!
- A rival that seems to go everywhere you go
- And many more features that can be found by playing the map itself!

Rules, requirements and information:
- Play on peaceful & survival mode
- Play on Pixelmon 4.2.1 (no less or above)
- Get (all) of the pixelmon sidemods (I recommend you just use the pixelmon launcher for installing this)
- This is also a SINGLEPLAYER map, meaning multiplayer isn't supported (and probably won't be)
- This game can be fairly challenging, make sure to search/take any advantage you have!
- Follow these rules for playing on survival mode

Alpha Download*: www.mediafire.com/download/qtojiersrccc5uq/Pokemon+Garnet+Updated+Beta.rar

That's about it. I hope you all enjoy this map, make sure to give plenty of feedback and suggestions.
Not only are they very appreciated, they help out the map and the progress of it a ton!

P.S: the updates in the update logs are not implemented into the Downloadable map!
* While the file will say Beta, this project is in Alpha status.
Progress30% complete

29 Update Logs

16/09/2016 : by Exollent 09/16/2016 9:07:27 amSep 16th, 2016

- Started working on Route 3
- Added a little pier to the Newground Lake
- Some progress on the Newground Pokémon Resort
- Made some storyline changes
- Minor/other changes; some signposts now have 2 signs on them (example in screenshots), replaced some Dark Oak Wood Planks in Valley City with Spruce ones, renamed the "Haunted Ruins" to the "Ancient Ruins"
- Added a new NPC in the Greenwood Inn as well as an Oak Log "wall"

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/6GTu4

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11/21/2017 12:55 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
can you make this zip
09/17/2016 4:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Once you have download the pokemon launcher do you put these files in the world save and then its done?
09/19/2016 6:01 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
You put the "§ePokémon§r §4Garnet§r §fBeta 2§r" folder into the saves yes.
09/04/2016 5:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I cant see the people/trainers who are suppose to be at the start of the map. The portals and the people in the pokemart arent there either.
09/04/2016 8:25 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
Did you download the correct version to play the map (4.2.1)?
09/04/2016 11:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I dont think so.... where do you recommend to install it for a mac.
09/04/2016 11:22 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
Actually, I don't think you can download the Pixelmon launcher on a Mac.
So you'll just have to install it manually, you can find the mod and its sidemods here: pixelmonmod.com/downloads.php
Of course if you don't know how to install mods, you can just find tutorials.
09/02/2016 8:26 am
Level 34 : Artisan Taco Theorist
This does require a mod right? Could you send me a link to it in case it does?
09/02/2016 9:03 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
It just requires Pixelmon and all its sidemods, I recommend you use the Pixelmon launcher to install these.
The launcher download can be found on this page: pixelmonmod.com/downloads.php
09/03/2016 7:21 am
Level 34 : Artisan Taco Theorist
Oh ok! Well that's not as bad as I thought... Thanks!
