Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Plug and play Large island

  • 3,477 views, 0 today
  • 260 downloads, 0 today
  • Built on server

  • Angel Isle
    1.8.9 Survival Server
    18.6k 19
    x 10
    laacis2 5/18/17 2:59 • posted 11/6/12 5:07
  • 4
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  • 1
Level 72 : Legendary Wizard
Hello. Here i have another of my plug and play islands! This one however is much larger than all others i have posted so far.

The island sports around 500 blocks across and consists of 2 parts. One mountainous and one flat for large builds.

There is low to moderate levels of ore (iron, coal and gold).

Installation instructions:
Due to sheer size this plug and play island is a little bit more difficult to install. The steps are:
Unzip the schematic, drop it in [your server]/plugins/worldedit/schematics.

Type //schem load largeisland on your server.

Find ocean with plenty space. You will need at least 250 blocks to your south and north (island is very large).

Type //paste -a at water level.
Fly around the island and fix the water where rivers flow in to the sea.
Progress100% complete

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05/04/2020 5:05 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
why schematic :(
pls zip
