Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Pokémon Platinum - Realistic Sinnoh Region Terrain (6000x6000(Minecraft 1.16+)

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ANorthernLord's Avatar ANorthernLord
Level 51 : Grandmaster Crab Engineer
This is a custom terrain recreating in a more realistic way the Sinnoh region, from the videogames Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Platinum.

In this map is not possible to finish the game in survival mode, as it doesn't have end portal. The map neither provide you with some blocks and items, such as some types of flowers and trees, or mycelium, among others. However, you can create the end portal in creative mode before starting a survival adventure, try to get the missing items trough trades with villagers, and have a relaxing playthrough in this huge region.

Be careful, there is void after the overworld borders, but Nether and End are not customized. If you create a portal inside the Nether to teleport back to the overworld you may appear in the void and lose all your items.

As the map is too heavy for PMC, you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE

Have fun!

Este es un terreno personalizado en el que se recrea de una forma más realista la región de Sinnoh, de los videojuegos Pokémon Perla, Pokémon Diamante y Pokémon Platino.

En este mapa es imposible terminar el juego en modo supervivencia, ya que no se genera el portal al End. Este mapa tampoco contiene algunos bloques y objetos, como por ejemplo algunos tipos de flores y árboles, o micelio, entre otros. De todos modos, puedes crear el portal al End en modo creativo antes de comenzar tu aventura en modo supervivencia, intentar conseguir los objetos que faltan a través de intercambios con aldeanos, y pasar un relajante rato en esta vasta región.

Ten cuidado, más allá de los bordes del mundo normal no hay nada, pero el Nether y el End no están personalizados. Si creas un portal dentro del Nether para volver al mundo normal, es posible que aparezcas en la nada y pierdas todos tus objetos.

Como el mapa es demasiado pesado para PMC, puedes DESCARGARLO AQUÍ


As this map is a custom terrain for an adventure map I'm creating, you are not allowed to:
  • Use it as a base for your own map
  • Submit it again, even if you modify it
  • Credit it as yours
Also if you want to upload a review or make any kind of video of it you must give me credit for the terrain, including at least the link to this page.

Ya que este mapa es un terreno creado para hacer en él un mapa de aventuras, no tienes permitido:
  • Usarlo como base para tu propio mapa
  • Subirlo de nuevo, incluso aunque lo hayas modificado
  • Acreditarlo como tuyo
Por otra parte, si quieres subir una review o cualquier tipo de video debes darme crédito por el terreno, incluyendo como mínimo el enlace a esta página.

If you are interested in my buildings and creations, you can take a look of my YouTube channel and Reddit. Also you can follow me here, in Planet Minecraft.

Si estás interesado en mis construcciones y creaciones, puedes echarle un vistazo a mi canal de YouTube y mi Reddit. También puedes seguirme aquí, en Planet Minecraft.

LemonFox - LemonFox's Tree Bundle
Lord Dakr - MCG - Schematic Pack - Trees, Rocks & Bushes
wolftheninja - Beautiful Tree Pack
AwesomeSauceWow - Custom Jungle repository

    CreditLemonFox, LordDakr, wolftheninja, AwesomeSauceWow
    Progress100% complete

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    01/16/2022 6:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User3995321G's Avatar
    I'm having troubles with the upload to Minecraft
    01/18/2022 6:03 pm
    He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Crab Engineer
    ANorthernLord's Avatar
    If it doesn't work maybe is because of your Minecraft version. This map is for Minecraft 1.16+. What is exactly ocurring to you?
    01/20/2022 11:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User3995321G's Avatar
    Yes, with 1.16 works, but there's a way to use It in 1.12?
    11/13/2021 11:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Toffiey's Avatar
    Hey, I know this was posted a year ago and all, but what Java version is this map using as my game keeps crashing and it says something about Open GL missing context or somethin and I searched it up and it had to do with a Java version. I really wanna play your map. I don't expect a response but it would be appreciated :)
    11/16/2021 9:28 pm
    He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Crab Engineer
    ANorthernLord's Avatar
    Hi! If I remember correctly, the map is for Java Edition 1.15.2, if it still doesn't open try Java Edition 1.16. And if still you can't open it, send me a direct message and I'll se what can I do :)
    03/14/2021 9:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    DanielGamer1221's Avatar
    Hello, I would like to use your map for my server, obviously giving you the credit and putting the link of the map, can I use it?

    hola, me gustaria usar tu mapa para mi servidor, obviamente dandote a ti el credito y poniendo el link del mapa, puedo utilizarlo?
    03/17/2021 8:58 pm
    He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Crab Engineer
    ANorthernLord's Avatar
    Sí, por supuesto, siempre que como dices tú me des crédito y pongas el link del mapa!
    12/01/2020 2:48 pm
    She/Her • Level 40 : Master Loremaster Ranger
    LightFiendish's Avatar
    Aight imma just make this place full of pixelmon
    12/02/2020 5:19 pm
    He/Him • Level 51 : Grandmaster Crab Engineer
    ANorthernLord's Avatar
    That's the idea for the map I'm building: create every city, route and town with much more detail for people to play Pixelmon
    11/14/2020 4:17 pm
    Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
    jacobtho's Avatar
    Could you do this with the kanto or hoenn region? This is really cool.
