Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Pokemon Regions Re-Imagined In Minecraft for Pixelmon or Vanilla

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ItsPW's Avatar ItsPW
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
Hey There! The reason this map is listed as only 5% is because It is freaking huge, but that has never slowed me down. For now give it a diamond if you think this map is pretty sweet! This map will take me some time to complete so feel free to check out some of my other builds for the mean time. If you wanna help send me a dm and maybe we can work on something together.




Pallet Town
Viridian City
Pewter City
Cerulean City
Vermilion City
Lavender Town
Celadon City
Saffron City
Fuchsia City
Cinnabar Island
Indigo Plateau


Route 1 (Pallet to Viridian)
Route 2 (Viridian to Pewter)
Route 3 (Pewter to Mt. Moon)
Route 4 (Mt. Moon to Cerulean)
Route 5 (Cerulean to Saffron)
Route 6 (Saffron to Vermilion)
Route 7 (Saffron to Celadon)
Route 8 (Saffron to Lavender)
Route 9 (Cerulean to Rock Tunnel)
Route 10 (Rock Tunnel to Lavender)
Route 11 ( Vermilion to east shore)
Route 12 (Docks south of Lavender)
Route 13 ("Fence maze")
Route 14 (That one ridiculously short route)
Route 15 (East of Fuchsia)
Route 16 (Route before Cycling road)
Route 17 (Cycling road)
Route 18 (West of Fuchsia)
Route 19 (South of Fuchsia)
Route 20 (Water route with Seafoam Islands)
Route 21 (Water route under Pallet)
Route 22 (Route west of Viridian)
Route 23 (To Victory Road)
Route 24 (Nugget bridge)
Route 25 (Bills house)

Other Places:
Cerulean Cave
Diglett's Cave
Indigo Plateau
Mt. Moon
Pokémon Mansion
Pokémon Tower
Power Plant
Rock Tunnel
Safari Zone
Seafoam Islands
Victory Road
Viridian Forest
S.S. Anne
Rocket's Casino Hideout

Anime Exclusive areas:
Bill's Light house
Cameran Palace
Camomile Island
Camp pokehearst
Chrysanthemum Island

Commerce City
Cremini Town
Dark City
Evolution Mountain
Fennel Valley
Gaiva Dam
Gardenia Town
Grampa Canyon
Gringey City
Hidden Village
HopHopHop Town
House of Imite
Laramie Village
Leaf Forrest
Maiden's Peak
Matcha City
Metallic Island
Mossgreen Village
Mt. Hideaway
Mulberry City
Neon Town
New Island
O-Hina Town
Old Shore Wharf
Pokemon Land
Pokemon Ninja School
Pokemon Tech
Pokemon Theme Park
Porta Vista
Potpourri Island
Rifure Village
Sable City
Safari Land
Sayada Island
Scissor Street
Silver Town
Team Rocket Academy
Terracotta Town
Tree of Beginning
Wisteria Town
Xanadu Nursery

Mentioned only:
Celadon University
Crimson City
Frodomar City

Manga Exclusive Locations:
Celadon University
Cerise Island
Mt. Spite


New Bark Town
Cherrygrove City
Violet City
Azalea Town
Goldenrod City
Ecruteak City
Olivine City
Cianwood City
Mahogany Town
Blackthorn City
Safari Zone Gate
Frontier Access


Will Update this list Farther in the future!!

Be sure to check out some of my social media. I release all my maps on YouTube before planet Minecraft so be sure to subscribe to me there to be the first ones on the maps! As always ItsPW Signing off.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ItsPW
CreditItsPW StarWarsFan0678 Br0t1cus Gengarallenpoe Gerbil14 Crystal6 Onion_Reloaded
Progress5% complete

18 Update Logs

Update 1.8.0 : by ItsPW 10/15/2018 4:56:40 pmOct 15th, 2018

Update 1.8.0

October 12, 2018

***** Update Chat ***** Due to some serious backup issues major portions of our progress was reduced to little more than crumbs, we had to fall back to one of our Downloads to progress, but a lot of damage was done. Additionally a while after a small hiatus and figure out where to go, on July 13, 2017, MrMasochism announced that the Pixelmon mod would be stopping development on Pixelmon. Deeply disheartened by this news many members decided to move to different projects, and Project PW went cold. Then a few of the developers from Pixelmon went under the radar and released "Pixelmon Reforged" This got a few builders excited, and the project was warmed back up in early 2018! It has taken a little bit of time to get things back to where they were, and they will never be exactly the same, but here is update 1.8.0

***** Project PW *****

- Project PW will now be using a different update system to call back on releases. The current updates will not be changed however the updates moving forward will be adhering to the new method of release numbering.
- Project PW will be updated on a need to know basis and will not be scheduled in advance.
- Project PW build team uses a private server, that is whitelisted, please do not ask builders to get in. It is strictly for the builders, and select members, and testers.
- The Project PW build team also uses schematics to build and will accept schematics, as long as written consent is given, to use the creations, from the owner and original creator of the schematic and creation.
- Project PW will always be available as a stand-alone map, and never server exclusive (for those wishing to do their own games, and unique plays and ideas.)
- While Project PW will have unscheduled updates, you may be able to catch streams of ItsPW working on the map on his stream. This is the only current stream that will feature this map and progress of the official project. Link: www.twitch.tv/itspw

***** Mapping *****

- Added a Teleport in the central hub to quickly get to regional teleports quicker.
- Initially used Signs and visible command blocks for ease of transportation.
- Route 3 has undergone serious mega transformations, nearly corrupting the map twice after the map was already corrupted once.
- Route 3 has had Highway added to its main section.
- Mt. Moon Has begun construction and the base forms of the rocky area have undergone development. As well as a basic cave layout and path from the entrance to exit.
- Added an observation tower on Cinnabar Island.

***** Non-Mapping Changes *****

- Changed presentation of credits in the credits room located in the spawn. (Now has floating text)
- Reformed builder transport system, swapping from a bus stop (builder Platform) system to a central hub system.
- Slowly changing Builder Transport Area to be more efficient, and better looking.
- Marked and remarked some existing locations such as the ones in the following point for location
- Added Cerulean City, Route 5, Saffron City, Route 6, and Vermillion City to the Builder Transport Area

***** Fixes *****

(V) = (Visual)
(F) = (Functionality)
(P) = (Performance)

- (V) Swapped signs and visible command blocks for, hidden command blocks and float text.
- (V) Fixed some lights in spawn not being on.
- (P) Fixed unoptimized spawn area, which had loaded blocks that were holding stacks of block data for no reason. (added lots of fps)

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10/02/2019 4:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ArianaSP's Avatar
Amazing map! However I understand this is a huge project. With 12 months without an update I',m starting to wonder what the progress is to be honest. Is it still being updated? Or has it come to a complete halt? Either way gave a diamond amazing map and i hope progress continues!
12/21/2018 9:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ehtdnxgrdbf's Avatar
I cant wait to see more progress. Is it still being worked on?
01/06/2019 12:21 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
ItsPW's Avatar
Yes, however not with the same speed it once had as detailed in the last update.
10/17/2018 11:35 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkshooter86's Avatar
Download link doesn't work for me.
10/18/2018 6:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
ItsPW's Avatar
All fixed! thank you for letting us know!
04/18/2018 12:29 am
Level 30 : Artisan Pokémon
xMeloetta's Avatar
rip ig
04/21/2018 4:52 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
ItsPW's Avatar
Recently found out Pixelmon is back :D you could say I'm quite motivated as of recently having been quite saddened by the cease and desists that shut them down initially
12/12/2016 10:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mark71299's Avatar
Made an account just to follow this project, Looks absolutely stunning and it's so clear that you've put alot of work and effort into it, Worth every moment of my time to subscribe and give you that diamond.

Not at all sure what i'd be able to contribute but seeing as you already have a build team together I'd love to be able to help in some capacity, Especially with seeing how a new region was added and I absolutely love Alola.
12/26/2016 9:24 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
ItsPW's Avatar
Haha they are making games faster than we can build them :D
08/10/2016 7:26 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Onion_Reloaded's Avatar
I see you've made good use of my map! Great job. Diamond and Favorite! :D
