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Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Well I figured I would take a break from building Airships and build a port town. I do plan to add in Airships and make the whole hill part of a massive town. The town will be a port for sea ships and Airships.

NOTE: Everything you see is 100% legit. (Minus the Freighter and Crane) This is a SMP server. Yes, it is a total pain in the back side doing it on SMP but that makes the builds much more worth it. Feel free to request more pictures. Tell me what you want pictures of and I will upload them.

I have to give credit to Khanaris because he has always inspired me with his art style. Not to mention he is the one who got me into Airships. I also must give credit to Apimil. He also makes some great projects that have inspired me to keep building. Both men are great people. I also must give credit to Creative-Node for the look of the crane. Check these guys out!

MODS: Buildcraft and IC2

Texture Pack: Dokucraft Custom

Additional Notes

Update: 9 March 2013

I rebuilt every roof. Didn't like the old ones. Currently working on some farming areas.

Update: 22 March 2014

Project cancled due to server closing.
Progress100% complete

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03/05/2013 11:04 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
I love ur crane!
03/05/2013 11:27 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Yeah check out Creative-Node. I got the idea from him. I always struggled with Steampunk-Wooden machines but I'm getting better.
03/05/2013 1:38 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Yeah, i see you are getting better. I havent really tried steampunk yet, only medieval or nordic stuff. I already subbed to Creative-Node btw :)
