Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Command block powered Portal Gun MCPE | by Cr33per K1ng X1

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Bedrock Edition
Cr33per K1ng X1
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
I been wanting to make a portal gun in minecraft mcpe without mods and only command blocks for a long time now and i finally got around to doing it and i'm so proud of it! I hope you like it! press the lever and the portal gun will be turned on...
optional resource pack that i also made here

the "Portal Gun.mctemplate" comes pre-installed with the resource pack

Working on adding:
-changing the portals to only work on concrete not grass
-adding portals to make it work on walls and ceiling
-adding portal gun sounds when is shot

from here on i won't be updating this in until i get my "working on adding" finished

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions email me at creeperbusinessemail@gmail.com
Progress55% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 | The small things : by Cr33per K1ng X1 06/26/2019 8:25:24 amJun 26th, 2019

-fixed there can no longer be multiple of a single portal
-added portals now work with any mob
-added style
-added portal sound effect when teleport
-replaced the endermite with a bat for blue portal
-silenced mob death when spawn a new portal

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