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Level 2 : Apprentice System
Push blocks and complete levels!

map with a pushable blocks where you complete puzzles with it.
good luck!

Recomended Version 1.20.1

P.s. its a first map we are created.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by danaxd 01/21/2025 12:43:34 pmJan 21st

- Added 1 new level
- Added speedrun timer
- Fixed Command blocks

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01/19/2025 2:41 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Not bad. I was hoping for a longer, more challenging game, but it was pretty darn good just the same.
There was one problem. The very first command block that TP's you to the start didn't work. There was a blank space at the end of the command. Keep up the good work!
