Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.6.2+] Rapido Parkour [NOW DOWNLOAD]

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Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Please subscribe and Leave a Diamond It would be much appreciated!

feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel if you think I deserve it, Thank you all!

Check me out over at >>>Youtube.com/Up2uKev

Hit over 20000+ Downloads between PMC and MCforums, THANK YOU ALL

This is my first Parkour Map! Finally Finished!

Gameplay of this Map:

(They put the cake in the hub just pointing out)

Played By: ^ TheBajanCanadian, ASFJerome, SSundee^

It features 4 different parkour areas:

1. Cut and Dry Parkour (Iron)

2. Time Trial Parkour (Gold)

3. Water Parkour (Diamond)

4. Blend Parkour (Emerald)

(more coming soon after map release...)

*Might spawn in jungle, just look around for the start spawn building wont be too hard to find...


1.Do not break anything.

2.Do not build anything.

3.Do not jump from one challenge to another, or skip stages.

4.Always play in Adventure Mode

5.Brightness should be around 50%

6.copy and paste the URL that pops up when teleporting to a course and click that in the chat box and copy to cilpboard the push control V on a browser and listen to some funky fresh minecraft tunes while parkouring!

7. Only used cheats to turn weather to clear and or time to day...

8. Play on Peaceful!

Additional Notes

The map will be expanding and updating as it releases and or as people request it.

I did not check the mediafire file yet since my other computer has crashed so if there are any problems with it and or the map please leave a comment saying such, thank you.

* Course works soley on command blocks! *



This map is created and owned solely by kev999999999. 'kev999999999' refers to the creator of the map.

By downloading this map, you agree that you will not distribute this map, partial or full, in any form of media. Any URL shorteners or other attempts to make money out off this map are strictly forbidden. Modifying and distributing the map is not allowed. Translating the map and distributing it is also forbidden without the written permission from the creator.

If you want to share the map, please post the link to this web page to download.

Approved Websites

The approved websites for distributing the map are listed below:

o ¦Minecraft Forum soon...

o ¦PlanetMinecraft

Multiplayer Servers

You may host the map in a private server. However, you are not allowed to host the map in a public server without written permission from the creator. If your proposal for hosting this map in your public server is approved, it will be listed under the 'Multiplayer Public Server' spoiler above.
Progress100% complete

36 Update Logs

Rapido Update #35 : by Up2uKev 07/25/2013 8:47:33 amJul 25th, 2013

  • Fixed slight error in map, nothing that made it impossible though!

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07/18/2013 12:00 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
So many 9's. ;D

Nice map man.
07/18/2013 1:28 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Yeah I'm really bad at making names...you should see my IGN- kev999999999 -_-

Thanks for the feedback!
05/17/2013 3:03 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Nice map.
05/17/2013 8:05 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thank you
05/04/2013 12:58 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thank you J0sh999 for giving the project a diamond!
05/02/2013 9:39 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Kev my main man :D long time no see skype me nextime your on man love to catch up!!
05/02/2013 3:32 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Ok sir ;)
04/29/2013 6:45 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Thank you Falchbaby for giving this map a Diamond!
04/28/2013 8:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
nice map man
04/28/2013 8:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
i forgot to say "diamond for you"
