Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Ravenloft Inspired Island

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Goblin
This is an island I made back in April. Not sure why I didn't post it back then, but I came across it today in my save files and was like "Oh yeah, I should share this."

I found that I had already made the image files and even had a zip file with a creative version and a survival version of the map in it.

About the map itself:

Back when I was twelve, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons. When the Ravenloft boxed set came out, I was thrilled. It was spooky and haunting. Just perfect for all the things that go bump in the night. I was equally pleased to find out this year that Wizards of the Coast is re-releasing the original adventure and the world to role-players once more even though I haven't played the game in years. Sadly my boys haven't gotten into Dungeons & Dragons - even less so the horror genre. Ah well, such is life. In light of this news regarding Ravenloft, I felt the need to craft an island that hopefully captured the essence and feel of this enchanting world and gaming genre.

I hope you like it! Enjoy!~ (Maybe you could turn off the clock and play it only at night, hmmm, in the spirit of things?)

I need to make a special note about the trees I used here in this map. I didn't create them myself so here's credit were credit is due as best as I can remember since there was such a long lapse between when I made the map and when I posted the map:

Please visit these tree packs and give them some love too if you like this map! And so sorry for forgetting where these trees came from!

Progress100% complete

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06/01/2018 9:28 am
Level 25 : Expert Archer
Hello, I am a youtuber looking for fantasy/halloween themed maps and I was wondering if I could use your map in part of my Roleplay series?
06/01/2018 12:12 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Goblin
Yes! Just please give credit and link back to this page if you would.

Thank you for wanting to use this map. :)
08/30/2016 6:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hey, great build :)

is to possible to use some of your trees, to work with my EpicWorldGenerator biome ? of course i will credit you :)
08/30/2016 8:57 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Goblin
Those are not my trees. I completely suck, spaced it, and forgot to credit them entirely. Problem is because there was such a long lapse between when I created the terrain and when I posted it I forgotten what all I put in there. I will say all the trees I use are in packs found in my favorite tree pack collection. Let me see if I can remember what I put in this particular map.

I know for a fact that the old trees came from Rex's tree pack and the mushrooms came from Mythix13's tree repository. Just not sure about the pines.

Normally I give these guys credit for their beautiful trees. I feel bad that I spaced it and failed to do that. I will fix that right away. I don't build trees, I'm sorry. I just showcase the ones other people create.
07/26/2016 12:06 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster System
Very cool! :D
07/25/2016 11:48 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Wow, very cool and different, great job!
07/25/2016 2:04 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Architect
Really cool build!
07/25/2016 2:13 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Goblin
Thank you, I'm really glad you like it! ^_^
