Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

RMS Olympic 1920s 2016 (1.9)

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
This was suggested a while ago and i finally got around to convert the Titanic into Olympic. this is based off the 1920s version of olympic from deck plans that were found. (minus the Grand Staircase color) Everything is accurate to the original.
Progress100% complete

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08/14/2016 8:30 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Thank you so much for the "present" in the pursers office. I really did enjoy looking through all of Olympic and her updates from the 1920's. One of the best Olympic's I have ever seen :)
Gopo Coruscant
08/03/2016 6:15 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Hello, Count! Your ships are awesome, my sincere congratulations! It must have taken months, if not years to make all these great vessels. Please check out my ship; It is Royal Caribbean inspired, and I think you might like it.
Have a nice day!
08/02/2016 1:36 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
I have some idea of how should the staircase look like, but you can make it only by adding green slabs and green steps texture...
08/02/2016 5:30 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
Yes I tried to do the green design for the art deck design they tried to incorporate. But u couldn't stand the design of the green and as for textures, the one that I'm using doesn't change the block design that much so it would look nice in default as well. Also I couldn't find a replacement for the small Crease's in the wood (the dark oak design) :P also sry about the paragraph here xD just only way to explain.
08/02/2016 7:33 am
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Nice Detail:)
08/02/2016 9:39 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you :)
