Minecraft Maps / Complex

Rose Red: Stephen King's Haunted House

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Level 47 : Master Necromancer
This is the house from the Stephen King Movie Rose Red. Rose Red was built in 1906 by wealthy oilman John Rimbauer for his wife, Ellen. Rimbauer used much of his wealth to build the mansion, which was in the Tudor-Gothic style and situated on 40 acres (160,000 m2) of woodland in the heart of Seattle on the site of a Native American burial ground. The house was rumored to be cursed even as it was being constructed; three construction workers were killed on the site, and a construction foreman was murdered by a co-worker. For several years after Ellen's disappearance, only servants occupied Rose Red. Adam Rimbauer, who inherited the house, lived there for a short time with his wife. However, he abandoned Rose Red after witnessing several paranormal events. After his death and with the family fortune spent away, his wife sold off many of the home's antique furnishings, and generated some income by permitting the fictional "Seattle Historical Society" to give tours of the house. These tours ceased in 1972, after a participant disappeared while on a tour of the mansion. Investigations for paranormal phenomena were conducted on the property in the 1960s and 1970s. But these also ended, and the house fell into disrepair.

The House was filmed using Thornewood Castle, a Castle taken apart and moved to Washington State.

I am building this with two others who don't have an account here. MC Names are Nicbun and Mineblower13.

Pictures and Update logs will be added over time.


Update #2 : 9/26/14

More shots of a small percentage of the new rooms added on the left wing.
As Always, Expect more soon.

Update #1 : 9/20/14

We have made starts of the interior! Expect more to come this way soon.
Pictures have been added.

Keep in mind that the rooms in the picture may or may not be comepletely finished.
CreditNicbun, Bacon_Hamilton
Progress40% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by thorin234 09/26/2014 7:42:48 pmSep 26th, 2014

More shots of a small percentage of the new rooms added on the left wing.
As Always, Expect more soon.

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08/15/2016 4:48 pm
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
For anyone wondering, I lost this world in a computer crash a while ago, along with almost every other minecraft thing of mine.
09/20/2014 2:59 am
Level 40 : Master System
Wow! Keep it up please!
09/16/2014 6:09 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
holy shit I remember watching this show years ago!!
09/16/2014 6:18 pm
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
I just recently rewatched it and brought it up with two of my friends, and this is what happened haha
09/16/2014 5:43 am
They/Them • Level 71 : Legendary Artist Senpai
Looks great, though it's a little too simple
09/16/2014 1:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aah, I just started to build it! And you've got more on Thornwood looks like, it will demolish the tower.
sorry for the Russian link and error, I from Russia, thanks to the translator
09/16/2014 1:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I will be even worse, make the tower lower and a little further and replace with white hair on a gray, betray antiquity, later will give a link to your home

