Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Rosewind | Port Town

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Network


Rosewind | Port Town Minecraft Map
Just on the edge of sunset far beyond the horizon lies a small-yet prosperous town, known for its beauty that lay in its art, architecture and people alike. Homes of the common man and shoppe's and homes of commoners line the numerous cobblestone streets. Mighty, vibrant roses pillared up from the earth around every corner. The scattered ponds brought a special feeling to the land where the wild world of untamed beasts and the calm settlement of man met in utter tranquility. Located on the seaside, the port town was peaceful, with calm ocean breezes rolling down the seaside, soothing the very thoughts of people.

However, the grandest thing that this town had to offer was its palace, Chateau de Wizry. This legendary stronghold permitted only the finest artistic beings to live in its quarters. Sailors whom pulled out of port nearly wept at is beauty, with envy of the few whom dwelled there. One such fellow attempted to herd a flock of sheep down the halls of this legendary fortress in his envy induced rage, but his own foolish ideas turned on him so he fled in shame. The castle of Wizry had its roof topples soar above the shingles of the common man it was risen above the rest of the town, and two valiant white and blue flags mounted upon its top. It signified just how much more elite it was compared to townspeople. However even the most of tranquil of kingdoms has its most deep and dark secrets that lurk in the shadows of its foundations and this town was no exception. Theft and murder once prowled these streets in the shadows of the night, sparing no one from its evil. Now, this once horid and evil place, became a throbbing, peaceful port-town by the name of Rosewind.
Rosewind | Port Town Minecraft Map
This build is being used as the Big Plot Spawn on mc.Wizry.Net - Creative Server
- T0Mvlogs
- Rigidphoenix
- DiamondDuck108
- Moordegaai
- MrJenJay
- Mr_Hobbitz
- hubnm
- Elemental8996

Apply for the Wizry Build-team
CreditBuilding: Wizry Build-team Lore: saunga
Progress100% complete

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06/06/2015 1:49 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
What texturepack did you use WizryNet?
06/06/2015 3:14 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
The Conquest Resource pack :)
Mine Maus Craft
01/23/2015 3:38 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
It's verry beautiful :-)
01/25/2015 6:25 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Thank you very much!
12/24/2014 4:52 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Love your work, you earned a sub :)
12/24/2014 5:35 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Thank you! We're going to be a lot more active on Planet Minecraft now. We've got a lot more stuff coming up :)
12/24/2014 7:29 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Nice, whats your next build?
12/24/2014 7:38 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
We're working on a bunch right now. We've got some Minigame maps that we're making for our Network, we've got a large MMORPG Fantasy map and also a custom adventure map coming soon!
12/24/2014 7:40 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Can't wait for the adventure map :)
12/24/2014 2:09 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
This is really cool! I checked out your work and really liked it, so you earned a subscriber c;
