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Halls of Dunhirm - Dwarven Dungeon

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Halls of Dunhirm - Dwarven Dungeon Minecraft Map
The Dwarven halls of Dunhirm were an ancient corridor of Dwarven influence within Midgard by the grace of the gods within Asgard. The Dwarves, an old and mystical race of famed blacksmiths whom work the powerful forges and bless steel swords with enchantments that can shatter whole mountains, were relieved to maintain a stronghold of their own within a certain island off the coast of Norway, close to icy and frigid waters. These halls were developed to become a self-contained stronghold, an underground settlement for industry and production. The richest veins of ore and jewel were cast beneath these halls in massive mines suitable to fund an empire for dynasties. Each dwarven warrior was gifted in the art of forging and the use of an axe when it came to jealously defending their homes and metalwork from would-be thieves and foreign visitors, whether it be mortal man or merchants whom had came to barter for these blades and crafts.

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For a few hundred years on Midgard, this community of Dwarves flourished in their trading post hall of Dunhirm, eventually being developed into a fortress as well from within. Halls were made to be strategic chokepoints, and the Dwarves that guarded these halls were also forged finer arms and armour to suit their needs. Axes, hammers, falchions, and polearms became the bigger product of importance that mattered more to the isolated culture of Dunhirm. Eventually, using their hoards of mortal gold and Asgardian steel, they amassed an army that collectively began to challenge the foreign powers around them for the sake of expansion and pride in their talents and skill. Ships of steel were built with great and strong engines fueled with magical flames and liquids to support their propulsion, and ultimately - Their route towards darkness.

Mortal man was divided in their petty squabbles over farmland and grazing rights for their pastures and cattle. Norse settlements and clans were weak from years of war and lessened harvests from harsh conditions in the northern fringes of Europe. As such, these warriors were easily cut down by the hardened infantry of Dunhirm. Each dwarf easily toppled a dozen raiders and reavers with his axe and shield. Long shall Dunhirm reign over these weak and fragile humans, they thought. However, one began to grow ambitious and plotted for absolute power over northern Europe. This Dwarven warrior was named Dirrihm, fierce in battle and claimed the respect of his comrades in their blind ignorance. Stubborn as any other of his kin, he was set to be the warrior of Dunhirm.

Soon enough, he conquered the northern lands of Norway and amassed his army at Ursula, razing dozens of jarldoms before finally capturing the sacred settlement. This sacrilege insulted the gods, whom had provided Dunhirm with such generosity. Odin, having seen enough and ignored the counsel of the other gods such as Thor and Forseti to punish them before they had taken Ursula, raised his spear. From the sky, he cast down a javelin that smited Dirrihm with such force, it shattered his armour into thousands of pieces and cast his blood unto the straits surrounding Scandinavia. The Dwarven forces of Dunhirm, surrendered Ursula back to the gods and the people of Norway & retreated to Dunhirm at the mercy of Odin.

For Forseti, he was authorized to curse Dunhirm - May their mines run with cursed metal, their halls filled with shadows and plagued with fear, their gold turned to lead and stone. As for Hel, she foresaw the usefulness of Dirrihm whom was admittedly persuasive for his release back to life. He was adamant in stature and voice that he’d be able to challenge the gods and serve Hel upon the day of Ragnarok, in exchange for absolute control over Dunhirm once more along with any Dwarf whom would serve him for dark powers. Clearly, he had been seduced by fantasies of vast power, Hel reasoned.

She deduced it was the power of Surtr, the fire giant. How brutal, it may be. However, she noted that Dunhirm was indeed a powerful force to be reckoned with. They had devastated all of Norway and captured Ursula, having the nerve and wit to challenge the gods directly and gifted to Hel hundreds of souls that bent their will for weakness, for ‘mercy’. This offering was hard to ignore, and thus Hel turned her eye. She released Dirrihm as a Champion of Hel, bestowed with her powers and cast back into the world with her light, to serve her and Surtr. As for Surtr, he gave his blessing - others claim a curse - to the rest of Dunhirm. Dwarves as a race, are naturally resistant to flames and thus became absorbed to his essence. Hundreds of his warriors had the capability of fire to decimate any warlord or raider.

For hundreds of years, they remained quiet to gather their power. Though cursed their steel may be, so long as it is moldable and able to retain its shape, the Dwarves cared not. Seduced now by the inevitable goal of power and rulership over mortal man and an opportunity to smite the gods rather than petty gold and jewels, they prepare their army.

Halls of Dunhirm - Dwarven Dungeon Minecraft Map

A big thanks to Duckmeister for continuing the project to its completion after Phoenicis' computer died early on in the project

- Credits to _Ecko for creating the lore behind Halls of Dunhirm

The Wizry Build-Team has been creating massive, immersive maps for the Minecraft Community since 2014! Click Here and kindly fill in the application if you're interested in joining our crew.
CreditDuckmeister, Phoenicislucida
Progress100% complete

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07/01/2017 6:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Toast
Hello, btw what a wonderful built :D
ima feature it on my profile page!
07/02/2017 8:20 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Thank you very much :) We're glad you like it!
07/14/2017 10:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Toast
Its not just me who would like this.. I Mean just take a closer look at the details.. most people (including me) could never do!
07/16/2017 11:56 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
We really appreciate your compliments but hey, what you are saying is untrue! You can always get to this level or even beyond but that simply takes time and practice. Come along to our Creative server if you want on mc.wizry.net (version 1.11) - Our build team will happily guide you through building and give you some handy tips on how to make your builds better :)
07/14/2017 10:30 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Toast
Wow You had More builds then just this ØMG!!
06/30/2017 7:31 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Wow you guys are still alive! Fantastic to see you guys are still at it after all this time. Big ups to you!

06/30/2017 10:17 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Hey Jason! Good to see you around here too :) There's actually several projects we've been doing that's not been posted so be expecting a few new projects on here! We've also just relaunched our Creative server on the network
06/30/2017 10:24 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Oh wonderful! Ill have to come and check it out sometime over these holidays!
07/01/2017 3:06 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
Sounds great :D Looking forward to seeing you on

- Steph
06/30/2017 4:21 am
Level 32 : Artisan Fish
Are you going to release a download?
