Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Ruined Cathedral (Schematic)

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Vampire
This Cathedral was a part of a Christmas event map that I produced recently, this is a world edit schematic, to paste into your map place in the folder .minecraft > config > worldedit > schematics

World Edit Download
-place into the mods folder to use (you may need to run a forge or fabric client for it to work)

//schematic load ruinedcathedral

This schematic was made in 1.18.2

Please provide credit if this schematic is used as a part of a larger map or video.

The shaders used in the images is BSL
Progress100% complete

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01/04/2023 5:28 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
On a whim to check out what other builders had been doing recently, I decided to download this and check it out.

Holy hell you are a great builder. I loved everything, from the ambience of the build to the secret tunnel and the beautiful tunnel to dungeon-y area. Absolutely fantastic. Defo going to take some tips from this one, lots to learn
01/04/2023 6:07 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Vampire
thank you so much :)

I'm glad the build left such an impression on you, I really enjoy building ruins so it means a lot that this one gave off the right vibes. The story behind the secret tunnel and stuff is that I built the cathedral as part of a map for a youtuber's civilisation event that had a secret cult faction, so I made the secret room as a part of that :)
01/04/2023 6:11 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
Wonderful work! I don't know if you exclusively build in singleplayer or if you build on servers, but if you'd like, I'd love to collab. I have a couple of pics of my builds on my page if you'd like to see what/how I build, despite them being a touch old. Think I have more recent builds screenshot somewhere as well
01/06/2023 8:15 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Vampire
I build in servers usually and I'm open to collabs, I have a couple projects ongoing at the moment and you can see them on my Reddit page (linked in profile), I'll check out your page :)
