Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Savannah Oasis (Myths of Daedwin) (with download)

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Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
In the North of the savannah, there's a beautiful oasis, it's also the home of the 2nd biggest tree in Daedwin. It's a really nice place, well... if you don't take the cursed village into consideration.

so yeah, 2nd Project on Myths of Daedwin, and i gotta say i love how it turned out. Because of the theme and some restrictions there's not really any interior other then beds. I know it's not the most amazing build, but it's just something i didn't do in a while and i really hope you enjoy it :)

(this build is not on the server yet, i'll update the post when the public server updates)

Myths of Daedwin
Myths of daedwin is a custom coded minecraft RPG server featuring a big continent, 6 different classes, custom mobs and items, proffesions and 4 nations. 

 if you like it, a diamond and favourite would be very welcome ;)
CreditThe Daedwin Builders for the map this was built on
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by XxMX26xX 11/24/2014 9:55:47 amNov 24th, 2014

sadly, Myths of Daedwin is closing, so i decided to put the landmark up for download

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02/02/2016 8:18 am
Level 25 : Expert Lemon Professor
I miss this server so badly...
11/07/2014 10:11 am
Level 88 : Elite Creator
Cool place :) I like it!
11/07/2014 11:25 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
thanks :)
11/05/2014 1:22 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Lovely made trees. I like it that the surroundings are also made for a better atmosphere and such.
11/06/2014 12:06 pm
Level 81 : Elite Architect
I agree, the trees are well done !
11/05/2014 1:28 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
only the big tree is made by me, the rest is from when the map was made, don't know who made them, so i couldn't credit them sadly :/
11/05/2014 1:55 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Oh well, at least all of them looks good. Personally I am still terrible on trees.
