Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Schützenpanzerwagen Sd.Kfz. 251

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Captain_JEK's Avatar Captain_JEK
Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is a German half-track vehicle of World War II.
There were many different versions of it equipped with different gear to fulfill various roles (personnel carrier, radio car, ambulance, freight transport...).
I built the "standard" version 251/1 with two machine guns serving as a personnel carrier for a driver, a front gunner and up to 10 grenadiers.

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08/13/2021 8:23 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Belial6's Avatar
By the way, have you ever heard of a "debug stick"? I only just found out about it recently, but apparently it's a tool that was added to vanilla Minecraft some time ago. I think it might help you achieve a whole new level of detail for things like this.

Though now that I think of it, once the schematic is pasted the block states may be updated, potentially ruining what you do with the debug stick. Still, it's cool to know about.
08/13/2021 5:31 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Yes, I know about the debug stick ^^
I don't use it very often, only when there's absolutely no other way, because as you said when the schematic is pasted, the blocks update sometimes.
For example, I had to use the debug stick on the Friedrich Luise Tower's gable windows, otherwise the lower polished andesite stairs would have connected to the tiled deepslate stairs making up the roof.
The exhausts of the 2TЭ10M Locomotive made of tiled deepslate walls also were made into a "connected" wall shape, even though they aren't connected to anything. I had to do this to make them look longer and thinner.

But yeah, as I said, to me the debug stick is more of an "emergency solution" because the effect is lost as soon the build is moved.
08/13/2021 5:35 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Belial6's Avatar
Yeah it's annoying the effects aren't more permanent. I still love that thing though.
08/13/2021 5:43 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Yeah, it's very useful in some cases.
08/11/2021 10:11 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wizard
CharTheRedComet's Avatar
Very cool.
08/12/2021 4:01 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
08/11/2021 4:25 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Belial6's Avatar
ThIs vEhIcLe iS UgLy, I DoN't uNdErStAnD wHy SoMe pEoPlE lIkE iT. "Moroever," iT lOoKs rEaLlY bAd bLaH BlAh bLaH
08/12/2021 1:36 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
Eneliaur_alguran's Avatar
Yes that's really funny, you got a good cheap amusement?
Usually I don't tell my opinion when I dislike , because I know that people,like you, don't accept negativ comment.
A constructive comment on this small build ? I don't think change blocks or banners will upgrade it. This vehicle can't looks good on this scale for me. I will not change my opinion
I know it s hard to build a small vehicle, but it not takes a long time, so no risk to hurt someone whith my negativ opinion.
08/12/2021 2:18 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Belial6's Avatar
What was the point of a comment like that? What do you want him to do, take down the build? Or was it simply to let him know that you disliked it? If so, you might as well - and should have - said nothing at all. What a pointless waste of time. You can have your opinion, I just don't get what the goal of sharing it was.
08/12/2021 3:46 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
Eneliaur_alguran's Avatar
You said you looked for some cheap amusement and then you speak about waste of time, it makes no sense. If you can't share an opinion it is like you don't have one. I saw his build in trending and thought it was just here because Captain_jaik have many subscribers, I guess I am wrong and the pmc community is very activ ? Haha... Don't force yourself to answer if it is a waste of time. I will not answer if you do because we ruin the comment section.
