Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Seaport | C&C Red Alert 3

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Roman_95's Avatar Roman_95
Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Like most Allied production structures, Seaports make use of Standardised Production Automated Manufacturing (SPAM) Modules to assemble a wide variety of military vessels from a single universal component. By receiving encrypted signals from the Virtually Operated Industrial Production (VOIP) system of a nearby Construction Yard, Seaports are able to produce more advanced naval units.
Seaport | C&C Red Alert 3 Minecraft Map
Seaport | C&C Red Alert 3 Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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11/30/2018 7:04 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
Karthad0n's Avatar
That... is massive. Holy cow.
11/30/2018 7:06 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
This is good )
11/28/2018 11:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Button Pusher
FireMC_Master's Avatar
It looks awesome you might have won a diamond and a subscriber from me
11/29/2018 5:47 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
Thank you!
11/28/2018 1:18 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Tiger
ThatGuyCalledTiger's Avatar
Looks 3d-model converted imo
11/28/2018 1:35 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
Say 5 reasons! I'm waiting.
11/28/2018 4:19 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Tiger
ThatGuyCalledTiger's Avatar
I await your response
11/28/2018 4:14 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Tiger
ThatGuyCalledTiger's Avatar
1. The way you have used the blocks to create the colours is awfully similar to how programs like Spritecraft convert images
2. What would be the point of filling the build?
3. You don't use slabs, stairs or panes in the entire build? Why not use them? It would create better shapes
4. You seem to make builds like this, with colours that match the exact thing every 3-4 days. Sure, you could have made them previously
5. The way the lines have been made. For some, a simple one up one down would be good, but there are some with 2 and 3, what would be the reason for this?
11/28/2018 5:03 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
Ok, I see you have enough fantasy if you could come up with reasons.
1. I have been working at MCedit for more than 3 years, it’s not hard for me to do something like that. layer by layer. I can do almost any gradient. Look at these projects, do you want to say that I was use the Spritecraft here? (1,2,3,4,5) or you probably will say that I use the spritecraft for organics (1;2;3 and other)
2. What's the point of making an interior? If you make the interior for ships, then why should I do the interior too. The one who downloaded he will make himself and the rooms and the interior to own taste. My task is to give the user a quality building.
3. Where it is necessary there I use them, and walls and banners and carpets. There are slabs and stairs made of clay and wool? No! (1.12)
4. I begin work on a new project immediately after the publication of the previous or the next day. I have a lot of free time. Working in MCedit it's my hobby. i enjoy it. i enjoy this 3d drawing. I can give the project up to 10 hours a day. Plus i don't do the interior.
5. Because sometimes it is more convenient to use one technique, and sometimes another. And it does not affect the overall shape. It only affects picky people.

⌈dropping microphone⌋ 🎤
11/28/2018 12:54 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
jennider's Avatar
it doesnt even look like mincraft anymore!

