Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Server Spawns -- Sky Gardens

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Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
This is for a series of server spawns that I will be doing. This is intended for server owners that do need a spawn, whether it's for a public server or a private server I'll customize them to different themes. These server spawns may be useful or not, but they are mostly made for the intention of a spawn/ portal hub.

This server spawn is named Sky Gardens, and is made for a server that needs a spawn hub. This is intended for a Medium Sized server spawn that needs a portal/ spawn hub. This server spawn particularly includes: Floating Islands, Buildings, Custom Trees, Nice Views, Bridges, ETC. This server spawn is a bit on the small side for a Medium Sized server spawn, and the areas for the portals may be a bit too small... But the area is really serene and peaceful.
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update Five : by legoguin2000 12/23/2013 2:44:42 amDec 23rd, 2013

Edited Island Three
-Added more pillars
-Added fence around tree
-Slightly modified terrain

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06/16/2014 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Best Map Ever! I loved it by the way I change the spawn point on it ;) But I still put your signs of who created it YOU because I'm a good guy who gives the credit :D
01/28/2014 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bro.thanks for this spawn.I would like for you to message me so u cant add more places for my server..I gave you credite i just want you as The only best builder in my owner..Please message me and thank you
12/11/2013 12:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
When will this map be done?
12/11/2013 12:49 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
I haven't have much time to work on it.
I'm aiming around New Years. I'm sorry if I'm really slow at building.
But I have a lot of things in life to take care of.
Though it may come out earlier.
12/11/2013 11:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
It's fine I understand I just really want to use the map it looks cool. :D
11/10/2013 1:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
This is just a use for people who have servers that need a spawn hub. This is just an empty slate for them to modify/ customize to their liking of his/ hers server. They should modify it to whatever they need to put. There would be more to come.
11/10/2013 1:52 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Ranger
More things. Such as:

-Server rules list in spawn
-More Islands
-Statue Staff Area
-Mob arena (using spawners)
11/10/2013 1:47 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
More things. Such as:

-More Islands
-More Bridges
-More Structures
11/10/2013 1:12 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
What else yo gonna put in there?
