Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Shiganshina | Attack on Titan

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Level 5 : Apprentice Builder
Around September of 2023 I began working on a 1/4th scale Shiganshina replica from the anime series Attack On Titan, over the past two years I've been working on completing this project on and off.

This has been one of my favorite build projects to work on and I'm so happy to see it finally completed.
If the map download is requested enough I'll release it to the public.

This build includes: Around 50 houses, 30 towers, various shops, Utgard Castle remains, Colossal titan, a large moat, a central castle, and various easter eggs/nods to the series.

Credits to Nav9 for the Colossal Titan design
Progress100% complete

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01/29/2025 6:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I'd love to be able to download this! It looks so good!!!
01/30/2025 3:59 am
She/Her • Level 5 : Apprentice Builder
I'm dropping the download in a couple weeks! Keep an eye out for it :]
01/27/2025 11:24 pm
He/Him • Level 22 : Expert Architect Waffle
This is so AMAZING!!! are you planning on building the tree from episode 1? and will there be a downloaded version? just wondering sorry to ask but I would love to explore this map one day!
01/28/2025 7:37 am
She/Her • Level 5 : Apprentice Builder
I made a rough island shape around the main build so I do have room to add the hills/tree from episode 1, at the moment I'm working on the giants forest but I'll definitely add space for the tree! I'm planning on releasing a download to the map once I'm fully finished with the exterior parts of the town!
