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- 2,742 downloads, 2 today
this is the beta version of my map i have been making for the past few months on and off and its finally ready for the beta release so here you guys go and i have also put my edited versions of the recourse pack along with the map so you guys can download it and I have also put in the mods in a separate folder as well
resource packs changes
American steam locomotive pack-replaced 611s whistle with present day whistle and added her real bell and replaced the engine sound with K&L trainz sounds
Santa fe pack- fixed the lettering for the N&W coaches and obs car
this railroad is fictional and i also modeled it after the grand river scenic railroad on roblox by didyou555 and the credit goes to him and go check out the GRSRR on roblox and play today
resource packs changes
American steam locomotive pack-replaced 611s whistle with present day whistle and added her real bell and replaced the engine sound with K&L trainz sounds
Santa fe pack- fixed the lettering for the N&W coaches and obs car
this railroad is fictional and i also modeled it after the grand river scenic railroad on roblox by didyou555 and the credit goes to him and go check out the GRSRR on roblox and play today
Progress | 65% complete |
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by Virginian Railway Productions 05/31/2024 6:48:23 amMay 31st, 2024
I will be revamping this map pretty soon, for I will be starting up on Developing Immersive Maps again for Minecraft Java Edition. I’ve gotten major upgrade for my laptop, for I have purchased a gaming laptop. This will be a major help for the development process in reducing lag and any other issues I’ve had before. I apologize for not giving out any updates for the longest time and being inactive, but I’m back and will be posting some things very shortly, so stay tuned.
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ferrovia imersiva
controle de tráfego
mr crazyfich móveis mod
obras rodoviárias renascidas
utilitários extras
locomotivas a vapor americanas IR locomotivas
diesel americanas IR pack
ferrovia santa fe IR
darkraider frete
linha rolante santa fe americana
atsf trackage pack
santa fe commuter
tudo que tenho
if it is 1.12.2 can i play on it without the other mods