Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Sketchfab Offices - Paris - New York City

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LordBlock's Avatar LordBlock
Level 45 : Master Gent
Here is the Sketchfab's Headquarters recreated in Minecraft by Lordblock


We recreated the sketchfab's Headquarters in Paris and New York City in minecraft based on plans, photography and google earth.

View in 3D here :

Paris : Here
Sketchfab Offices - Paris - New York City Minecraft Map

NYC : Here
Sketchfab Offices - Paris - New York City Minecraft Map

You can find the full interview here : Link

What is LordblockMC?

We're a team of about 10 artists and designers who evolve around Minecraft.

The major skill required to join us is to know how to "build", but we also have rendermakers (C4D, Photoshop), graphic designers, cinematic makers, a translator, ... in our team

Right now, we're all french-speaking, but we have members who live out of France (Switzerland, Québec, ...)

The team had a modest start. Our aim was to bring talented people who had a common interest to share and to acquire group experience. The whole team grew quickly with the "Under the Tea" project : link
After this project, we realized that it was quite interesting to work on the concepts, the presentation and everything around basic realization to maximize the potential of the creation. We consider some of our projects as Concept Arts and it's on this purpose that we build our projects

It's from this desire that the team really was built on. We kept doing project after project and we recruited more teammates. By the way, we're still recruiting.

How does the custom Minecraft design business work? Who are your customers?

Regarding the team, we don't make any transactions, we have an e-mail address where people can contact us and submit their projects, and if we find them interesting and we have time, we'll accept the submission. We're actually building a website to allow easier contact, and everything will be explained over there. If you have any special request, just send us an e-mail ! lordblockmc@gmail.com

Regarding the team members, some of them do paid commissions. Clients contact them via websites and forums like McMarket and Spigot. These clients usually are Minecraft server owners. They ask for maps, like spawns or minigame maps, or just a specific element, like an organic or a statue. This changes from client to client.

The builder must fulfill the client's expectations, regarding design, because every commission has a specific use planned for it.

What does your workflow look like?

This has many factors : deadlines, the size of the project and the number of participants. We try not to have too much projects at the same time, to provide better quality work, but we did in the past have 3 active projects at the same time with all the teammates working on them, without including their personal occupations.

This is what the workflow for a typical project looks like :

-We submit it to the team, we choose if it's ddawdd and if the teammates like it.

-Then we have a brainstorming session, we share our ideas and decide what the concept will be

-After that, we start building. During this period, the project evolves with our new ideas and constraints

-Finally the post-production, which helps us to complete the project and to add information to help understand the concept.

About the Sketchfab offices project: how did you approach this recreation? What were the challenges?

We needed 3 builders : 1 for NYC, 1 for Paris and 1 "Helper" to do the final detailing. We first checked every team member's availability, then we shared out the different things to do.

The fist thing we did was choosing the scale, as Minecraft has a height limit. We then were able to work on the width and finally on the details. The actual challenge actually was to get a realistic depiction of the buildings with blocks only.

We used some of the plans you sent us but we mainly used Google Earth/Maps and pictures found on the Internet.


Sketchfab Offices - Paris - New York City Minecraft Map

Builders: Fafou, Nati797, Sak_kraft
Graphic: Nati797
Traduction: Cheshi
Terms of use
Your are not permitted to:
Use this build for commercial use
Claim this build as your own
Modify or take parts of the build for personal project
Use the build for your public server

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Contact :

E-mail: lordblockmc@gmail.com
Twitter: @LordBlockMC
Progress100% complete

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06/27/2016 10:06 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
VotMaf's Avatar
Are you sure the first picture is minecraft? LOL
06/27/2016 10:52 am
Level 45 : Master Gent
LordBlock's Avatar
Sure yes ^^
06/25/2016 2:25 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
Tizona's Avatar
Great work! Those renders are soo realistic :D
06/26/2016 6:25 am
Level 45 : Master Gent
LordBlock's Avatar
thanks :)
06/25/2016 1:58 am
Level 49 : Master Pirate
Oskeyarr's Avatar
Don't play with my mind dude. It looks so realistic that i had to look at the lamp on the bottom to see that its actually minecraft.
06/25/2016 12:22 am
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
wow the first two pics looks so realistic, I thought it was real.
06/24/2016 11:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Demolitionist
Zioka_'s Avatar
That first pic....
06/24/2016 9:42 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Randymix's Avatar
This is awesome!
06/26/2016 6:24 am
Level 45 : Master Gent
LordBlock's Avatar
thank you!
06/24/2016 4:38 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Sailor
CreeperCraftCity's Avatar
What a great render, I love it so much!
