This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Empire Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

S'korn Drakas- Drow Bastion of the East [Pop reel]

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Darth_waffle's Avatar Darth_waffle
Level 27 : Expert Architect
/VË /I/Ë V:.. LORE ..:VË /I/Ë V


As a warm, sulphuric wind blew across the scarred red cliffs, A man looked down on the scaffolding of a gargantuan structure. Well, it wasno t really a man. Lord Skarno tal, lord of the Eastern borders, was a Drow. His scarred black ears and face were recognized widely as one of the most skilled fightero s features across the entire Drow empire.

He sighed as he looked down on the fortress. Would it be built in time? Legends told that as the Sun grew red and the cliffs grew harder, the world would begin to end, heralded by a giant dragon cutting a swathe of destruction from East to West.

This was the only vanguard against such an apocalypse for the Drow empire.

The scaffolding was being taken away right now, the last towers of the fortress finally built. The sanctum above was being filled with the entire knowledge base of the Drow, in small magical volumes that took up the space of a book yet contained thousands.

He sighed again as the wind blew and his joints creaked. He was getting old. It was time for him to rest from his duty. This was his final flare, the only hope for his people. If they survived, they would tell tales of him, as the man who saved Drowkind.

Later that day, a servant went to his house to ask what he would take for his repast, and found him dead, a small smile on his face. Written next to his bed, on a piece of paper, was two words.

o Remember meo


And he was remembered, as one of the biggest idiots of that entire century.

The entire fortress prepared to battle off a giant dragon, which turned out to be a not so giant, not so fierce skeletal dragon named fluffy. He couldno t even get up the hill, nor did he really want to.

The fortress grew large and a town grew around it.

The Drow, a naturally untrusting people due to their, well, dark personalities, do not let people into their sanctuary. Goods are traded at the port, and are then brought to the town for people to use. The fortress never lacks for food, due to the farms, somehow magically possible, and the fortress hold age old knowledge. Many scholars make pilgrimages to the sanctum to find lost Drow information needed for such things as how to make good pies or proper greebling on buildings.

///o:... HEY GUYS ...:o///


Hey guys,

So this is my biggest build that Io ve showcased so far, encompassing around half - one third of the entire map. The build consists of around 220,000 blocks of obsidian and 110,000 (woo, half!) blocks of various stonebricks. The build took me around twelve hours of hard work (*wince*) and I used no outside programs (MCedit, worldedit, voxel, etc) which, I think, was a bad idea. Overall, I think (architecturally) this is my best build yet!

Anyone is welcome to do a cinematic, would welcome it!

Signing off,


Additional Notes

Made all by myself, no help. kekekekeke.

Progress100% complete

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11/21/2013 10:24 pm
Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
LithaearTown's Avatar
Wow, just wow...
11/23/2013 8:08 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Darth_waffle's Avatar
Good? bad?
09/10/2013 7:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
pandabear881's Avatar
sorry but one has my favorite biome and block........
still putting dimond
09/10/2013 7:55 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Darth_waffle's Avatar
What's your favorite block? I'll try to incorporate it into something.

Thanks for the diamond.
09/10/2013 8:34 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
pandabear881's Avatar
i mean it is awesome just.........i like mushroom and mooshrooms! :DD
09/10/2013 7:27 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Artist
jakesteradactle's Avatar
I'm rooting for you!
09/10/2013 7:28 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Darth_waffle's Avatar
Thankyou very much!
09/07/2013 10:18 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Demolitionist
dbran1's Avatar
nice work indeed ;]
09/07/2013 10:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Darth_waffle's Avatar
Thanks! I'll try to get even better!
09/07/2013 10:40 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Demolitionist
dbran1's Avatar
il tell you one thing you realy amazing at sculptures i wish i could build em as well as you have done here ;] keep up the good work ;]
