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Haxious's Avatar Haxious
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
Knowing that I might put the entrance a little too late, I'll just add the MCScheme. You can make the entrance yourself ... But if you wait ... who knows c;

This is my first MCEDIT project. I have to admit, It drove me crazy the first time I used MCEDIT ... Anyways, I know this isn't good but at least I tried ...


Storage Room [4 Big Chest]

Bedroom [6 Beds]

Fuel Room and Food Storage [4 Furnace and 2 Big Chest]

Might Add:

Roof-deck [need to move the balloon higher]

Station [For Airship Mod]

Secret Passage


If anyone could help me to further understand MCEDIT, I would gladly appreciate it and real comments would be nice

P.S: There is no way to enter in and out of the Airship, good luck making your own way
Progress95% complete

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08/24/2011 1:40 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Soldier
Kitsuna777's Avatar
Cool i'm a big fan of airships. It look really good.

I have my own fleet if you want to check it out
08/14/2011 1:03 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
ichinose87's Avatar
Was wondering what the block count is for this thing. It looks like it would be fun to use with the zeppelin mod, but if it's too big.... Anyway, it looks quite nice so far.
07/31/2011 2:28 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Precichi's Avatar
what, texture pack you have.?
08/01/2011 3:28 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
Haxious's Avatar
Doku Craft [Dark]

Nice an expert Architect
07/31/2011 5:37 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
Haxious's Avatar
Any comments ... Right there is no download ... Oh well , I'll put up a Schematic when I put a ladder or a hatch at least
