Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

SpellCrafters[JAM RELEASE] (Rogue-like/ Wave Survival/ PvP) Map for Snapshot 24w06a

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ISeeGoodStuff's Avatar ISeeGoodStuff
Level 56 : Grandmaster Vampire

The download file has both the Map and the required Resourcepack, so extract the zip file and place the folders in the proper locations.

  SpellCrafters is a rogue-like spell casting map with two available game modes (PvP and PvE). This map is made for the "Game a Month" game jam by CubeDeveloper, but this map will get continual updates with new spells and rune additions throughout the year this will be maintained.

How to play
General Gameplay:
  Spell type items need to be placed in a designated hotbar of a player, once players are in the battle phase they are unable to move their spells in their inventory untill it's back to pick phase, multiples of the same spell can be used and have a separate cooldown if placed in different hot bar slots. Rune type items are passive items that only buffs the player stats and should be placed in their inventory rather than their hot bars, these effects are permanent untill the game ends.

The Lobby:
  Once you joined in the map, you will first start at the lobby where you can choose between PvP and PvE game modes on the game modes panel. Once selected you can hop in the teleporter's circle and begin the game (In multiplayer, every player needs to be inside the circle to start the game)

Starting Pick Phase:
  Once the game starts, you will be transported to the pick phase, here a player will be assigned to choose from three(3) starting offensive spells for them to use in the battle phase, this process will loop untill the last player in the world has chosen a spell. When everybody has gotten their spell it transitions to the viewing phase.

Viewing Phase:
  Players are teleported above the map that they will be battling on, they are given 10 seconds before the battle phase starts to arrange their inventories.

Battle Phase:
  Players can now see the effects of their stats and are able to cast spells to their fullest extent
    Players fight till one player is left alive, then the next pick phase ensues.
    Players fight waves of Minecraft's mobs that get harder each wave, can you survive the longest?

Subsequent Pick Phases:
  Instead of only offensive spells, the next pick phases can now roll for runes and defensive/mobility spells aswell.

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update to Snapshot 24w06a, Bug Fixes, PvE Rebalancing : by ISeeGoodStuff 02/09/2024 11:10:36 amFeb 9th

Version Update:
-Updated to Snapshot 24w06a

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a typo causing players to gain resistance when a player dies in multiplayer

Changes and Additions:
-Added bonus player stats after each wave in PvE.
-Buffed Runes so they don't have too debilitating negatives.
-Re-arranged mob spawning pool based on wave, ranged mobs spawn much later instead.

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04/26/2024 12:40 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
Scovix's Avatar
This is epic! I had a lot of fun playing with my friends. The shotgun is a bit too high tech and op, but it's still really fun! (I haven't played in a while, and coming here to re-download it. I can't remember if it's the shotgun or not.)
02/01/2024 12:56 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ZeroIceBear's Avatar
It's so cool! I failed several times in PVE mode, but that won't stop me from trying again! It's great, even though the first wave occasionally has no spells! Hopefully more spells will be updated in the future!
02/02/2024 8:53 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Vampire
ISeeGoodStuff's Avatar
Thanks for playing my map! there will be more updates though it will be a per month schedule as to not overwork myself since I have other projects to work on. But you can expect more spells, runes, maps, and maybe even new game modes!
02/02/2024 11:13 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ZeroIceBear's Avatar
Sure! Also, I seem to be running into some issues, such as when the number of players is greater than 2, players who die in both PVP and PVE modes cause the survivors to gain a resistance boost effect, while players who die in PVE mode are still asked by the system to make a choice during the selection phase.
02/03/2024 9:03 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Vampire
ISeeGoodStuff's Avatar
Everyone get's a choice to pick whether they live or die last wave so they don't get power crept behind. As for the resistance effect, I'll try and fix that, thanks for the report!
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