Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Spook Central / Shandor Building (Ghostbusters)

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
If you've seen the 1984 film Ghostbusters, you'll remember the menacing Shandor Building, home to Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver) or as Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) called it "Spook Central".

The model for this building was based on the 55 Central Park West building, which is a real apartment building in New York City, built in 1929 by Schwartz & Gross architects. The fictional structure that we see in the movie was filmed using a miniature model of 55 Central Park West, with a significant addition to the roof, capped with a temple to Gozer. In the film, the architect (fictionally) was described to be Ivo Shandor, who built it in 1922 as an "antenna to the spirit world" for the Gozerian Society.

I've completed the entire exterior, but the interior is empty. The building does have floors and I did build Gozer's domain inside the temple. Enjoy!
Progress95% complete

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06/17/2022 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you put this on mcpedl??? Because I can’t import it
06/29/2021 1:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Coolest build I've ever seen 👌.I'm a HUGE Ghostbusters fan. I litterally have tried to build this hundreds of times. I've been looking at this for the last 2 years. Last year during quarantine this was my #1 project. Maybe you could try building Dana's Apartment, Stay Puft, The Museum, The Sedgwick, etc. Possibilities are endless with this talent. Look forward to what you build next!
12/18/2021 7:11 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
I thought I responded to this message a while back but I guess not. Sorry about that, these past few months have been crazy hectic. Thanks for your kind words! It would be cool to build Dana's apartment inside this building with the hidden staircase to the temple on the roof. One thing that never made sense to me is how Dana's apartment was many floors below the roof temple, so that hidden stair must have been very long! I did put floors in this building, so maybe you'll give it a try, I'd love to see what you create!
08/12/2020 9:24 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
could you give a map download?
04/23/2020 2:18 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Looks awesome!
04/24/2020 5:19 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I wish I had used some jungle planks to help with the color transition from the red brick at the base to the birch planks above. That's one thing I love about this building, there is a subtle transition of color of the brick from the base to the top to give the illusion of height.
12/17/2021 3:35 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Have you seen Ghostbusters: Afterlife? It's so great. Wonderful followup to the last two movies.
12/18/2021 7:08 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
I did, I loved the movie! It would be cool to build the Shandor mine with the Gozer temple inside. I especially liked that Ivo Shandor got a cameo!
12/18/2021 1:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
That was pretty cool. Plus, there were a ton of Easter eggs to the original movie, like the Twinkie.
UNSC Frigate
06/19/2017 5:42 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
