Minecraft Maps / Other

S.S Titan Fictional Ocean Liner

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PranayTitanic's Avatar PranayTitanic
Level 43 : Master Engineer
hello guys,

today I wanted to post something very special, well maybe not for you but it is for me.
This the the fictional ocean liner SS Titan if you guys dont know what that is.. google it or look on youtube.
I wanted to make this a long time ago but I started a few days ago and I was so excited about this project I wanted to show it :D
the last picture above here :D will show the ship on what im basing it on but note that the real fictional liner have a bow like one of a yacht but that is another picture and the real ship also have sails.

please note:
this is a fictional ocean liner based on a book (sounds weird but it is). interior will be random but exterior will be build based on pictures on google and a vid. and also note that this is my first ship that will be made first out of gold blocks for planning (it sucks but I wanted to try it out :))

please comment and/or diamond  but comments are better because I can awnser them :D
Progress30% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PranayTitanic 11/11/2015 8:20:37 amNov 11th, 2015

Added: -3 funnels
           -the bow
           -the davids
           -the upper decks

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DAR Shipyard
07/28/2016 7:22 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DAR Shipyard's Avatar
Cool, SS Titan i like this ship
07/28/2016 11:19 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
PranayTitanic's Avatar
thanks, I like the ship too ;)
11/14/2015 5:58 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
cjmcglaughlin's Avatar
Good job.
11/14/2015 6:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
PranayTitanic's Avatar
thank you cjmcglaughlin apprentice taco :P
11/11/2015 9:46 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Wooouh's Avatar
Nice.Where can i find the ship to help you with?
11/11/2015 10:46 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
PranayTitanic's Avatar
I made this in single player if that is what you mean
Ferret_nator 2003
11/11/2015 8:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Ferret_nator 2003's Avatar
This is nice! I can't whait for it to be done :D
11/11/2015 8:15 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
PranayTitanic's Avatar
thank you, and btw when are you going to post something?
11/07/2015 7:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Kiril_Miner's Avatar
Looks nice! I was actually going to build the Titan too, but I gave it up because the bow looked awful. Hope you won't get mad, when I try it again ^^
11/07/2015 12:00 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
PranayTitanic's Avatar
I wont be mad because everybody also build the same ship (titanic) so why not a ss titan... and the bow of this ship (bow of a yacht) is always hard to build.
