Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

- [ Steampunk Spawn 100 x 100 ] -

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Level 20 : Expert Architect
- Atlantisy Studios -
NON-EXCLUSIVE Steampunk Spawn, 110 x 110 for $25
Hello, I am Fungi one of the three founders of Atlantisy Studios. I am here on behalf of our team to sell one of our recent projects! This build is non-exclusive, meaning its been sold more than once and will be sold multiple times.

This build will include, and are not limited to...

- A 110 x 110 Floating Island
- Multiple area's for NPC's and crates
- An underground cave
- Heavy detail
- And more!

- Build will be sent as a schematic.
- Payment will be made through PayPal, and PayPal only.
- Price is negotiable, nothing too crazy, please contact through discord.
- Sales will only be made through discord, please contact me at Jeffrey DatFungiGuy#8858


Discord: Jeffrey DatFungiGuy#8858

Thank you for your time, its been a pleasure...
Progress100% complete

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09/28/2018 4:44 am
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Very nice spawn :)
