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Level 37 : Artisan Architect
The Steampunk tower is a two part medieval/fantasy/steampunk tower that I built for myself on an online server where it became quite popular. It seems endlessly taller than wider which is due to a server mechanic allowing larger building plots as you level up.

The lower tower includes an entrance and dining room with a teleport to the upper tower, a kitchen, a study with a library and a map, a crafting room with an anvil and a brewing stand, a small bedroom, a chain bridge to an airship, a mechanic room for the outer watch, a bookkeeping room with a fountain and a hidden entrance to the cult cellar, a villager trading room, a mechanic room for the hidden entrance system, a biome hub/exhibtion cellar and a storage cellar.
The upper tower includes a teleport entrance room, a sphere arboretum and farm, an irrigation system room for the sphere, an irrigation control room, an observatory with exhibitions and a telescope.

Finally both towers comes with a lot of stairs, floating islands like the beacon building island at the top and a fishing hut at the bottom.
On the server the tower had a dam aswell, which is why the schematic file has a dam too while the world file doesn't, simply because the water levels are equal.

Anyway, enjoy and have fun! 
Regards Zuki!

PS: If you have any suggestions regarding a project or ideas for a new one please send me a message!
CreditIncompetech and Liarad.
Progress100% complete

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04/01/2016 10:12 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Lol, nice idea!
04/01/2016 10:21 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Thanks, the ideas came continually, so I didn't start out having all this planned out ^^ I believe they came in the succeeding order:
  1. the clock-towert,
  2. the airship,
  3. the floating islands,
  4. the flying tower,
  5. the basement (on server had a blaze-farm),
  6. the hub and larger storage unit and
  7. the hidden cult room, no one on the server ever found it :b
04/01/2016 10:24 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Nice, Working on large projects can be hard to keep organized
04/01/2016 10:55 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Indeed, as said in the description, I did this on Athene's charity server, MCNext, a survival/pvp/creative server with a plot-ranking system :) The higher level you become the larger plot you get, so I started out with a small one that I just kept expanding ^^
03/12/2016 8:38 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster System
Thats a neat design!
03/12/2016 8:44 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Thanks! I'm glad you like it ^^
03/12/2016 8:50 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster System
I like the way how all your buildings always have a useful purpose and aren't just showcases :D
03/12/2016 9:07 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Haha, I'm trying ;) This one especially does, it was built on MCNext, a survival server with a plot-ranking system based unlocking features and a pvp ground (in the nether), so it had to serve a purpose too ^^ I built it in a creative world of my own first and then went online gathering materials and doing the expansions, it was quite a work, but a lot of fun :D Unfortunately the server does no longer exist the way it was, it was simply to expensive.. Athene charged a couple of dollars a month for whitelisting with the purpose of donating it to charity (which he did), but it was expensive running the large servers (always more than 300 online) and eventually it had cost him to much and he had to shut it down :( That was quite the comment, sorry xD
03/12/2016 9:26 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster System
Nevermind about the comment length. The Castly y Kare that I have in my projects was also originally from a server. It is the only piece that survived from the map, since I exported it and shortly after we had to make a new one, because the updates changed the way biomes where created (i think that was in the early beta)
But it was built by our faction as a base for pvp operations and we had a lot of sieges that could be stopped, but it was a lot of fun at that time. Therefore its also fully functioning and can withstand attacks and allow players to trap and kill enemies :D
03/12/2016 10:42 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
The castle is really amazing and cool that it is fully functional :D I can imagine you've slain quite the amount of enemies in there ;) Oh, upgrades f*cks things up :o I had to make a brand new world for my small private server for friends :b
12/26/2015 6:17 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Love it!
