Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Steampunk | Town House [Schematic]

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Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Helloooo ! Sorry , I have been unactive due to me focusing on my Build Team , you can find them here : :) 


Anywho , this is a quite large Steampunk townhouse that has no interior , because I am terrible at it. :) 
If you use it on a server , please give me the ip so I can come and see it xD 

Please diamond and favourite if you like this project !

Thanks to ME for the renders , they aren't that difficult to do guys... xD

Progress100% complete

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12/18/2014 12:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Nice! i like it very much! can you also do some -English- tudor style houses like in Canterbury for example? that would be great !
