Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Sunshine Castle - Tiny Castle 64x64 contest entry

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
Sunshine Castle - Tiny Castle 64x64 contest entry Minecraft Map

This is my entry for Tiny Castles build contest: https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/pmc/challenges/tiny-castles-a-build-contest-574144/


I went though my older builds and saw lots of being made from other games and real life ones (ships etc.). Not really uploaded anything creative there even though I have build lots of castles and medieval villages in servers years back. So this time I wanted to make something creative there too and decided to join for this little contest.
This is my fantasy styled castle (which looks more like palace than castle because used lots of glass but hey, it's have high walls so it must be castle, right? ^^) Inside there is everything the castle needs.

Process and details

Build in vanilla minecraft 1.12.2 with help of MCEdit. Total build time ~15 hours. Interior took most of it.
- Exactly 64x64x64 schematic (Remember import water! There is water elevator and swimming pools)
- World download minecraft version 1.12.2, include castle in superflat with spawn.
If you only want to explore, I recommend downloading world save so all curved stairs, signs and entities are the way they are supposed to be.
- World spawn: -62, 5, 111

For screenshots used Flows HD texture pack and SEUS shaders. Color theme of walls depends really much of used texture pack.
Progress100% complete

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08/01/2018 3:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Cassie Rombour
07/30/2018 11:44 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Itlooks gooood!! I very like the simmetry and the colors!!
07/30/2018 12:14 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
Thank you. ^^ I got inspiration for colors from sun and summer. It's quite hot right now.
