Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Fargloom Fortress [400 Subscribers!]

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Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
First off, I want to thank you all, thank you for all the support and attention you have been giving to me for over 2 years now. 400 subscribers... cool :)

Fargloom is a fantasy castle built in a style somewhere between medieval and dark fantasy. Every element of the castle is unique; there are absolutely no copy-pasted parts. This makes it look more interesting and very diverse - but still uniform.

There are 7 towers and 10 different wall designs, one house-ish structure and an enterance area in the build. A long street leads up on the top of a hill to the castle. Traversing the lava fall, a bridge leads to an addidional tower. The great variety in walls and towers makes the castle look quite spectacular, even though it's a pretty small building.

Most of the pictures are in-game screenshots with shaders (Sildur's and SEUS), the first two areCinema 4D renders. I used the resourcepacks Faithful and Conquest in the pictures. The terrain was made with WorldPainter, as usual.

Fun Fact: Originally, this build was going to be a cemetery. Apparently, it hasn't ended as a cemetery...

Once, LouizZ and I decided to build a cool dark graveyard. We wanted to start off with the wall around it, more precisely, with the corner tower of the wall. In the end this didn't fit for a cementry build at all, so I started totally improvising with it by adding more walls and towers.
Finally, it became a castle, a dark fantasy-medieval fortress. Actually, I really like the outcome of it :)

If you do so as well, make sure to show your support by adding a diamond or favourite. Of course, if you want to stay tuned and see more: subscribe!

Thank you! :D
CreditLouizZ, for... being LouizZ :D
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by oakley09 09/13/2014 3:23:15 pmSep 13th, 2014

New render to show the build off! :D

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06/07/2015 9:17 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
Mine Maus Craft
04/03/2015 4:57 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
This is so beautiful, again I like the style and the size, great job :-)
04/03/2015 11:17 am
Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
Thank you, I tried a different style on that one than I usually do - was very fun building :)
Mine Maus Craft
04/03/2015 1:31 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
I like the stair way up and I like the different towers, very lovely and exactly something I'dlike to be abel to build on my map :-)
01/17/2015 3:55 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
Hey great build was just curious as to how you do the rendering part of it for the awesome first "screen shot" type thing? Im a graphic designer and from wha ti tell you use cinema 4d correct? but have been able to figure it out with texturing and everthing if anyone knows a simple way to do it on a mac please let me know thanks!
01/17/2015 6:18 am
Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
Yeah it's Cinema 4D - I think it's easier if you just watch a YouTube tutorial ;D
01/23/2015 7:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
lol ok never really found one hey would you be interested in a build project idea i have? message if so
10/08/2014 5:04 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
Your castles are great. Such style and detail.
10/08/2014 5:13 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Wizard
Thanks a lot! Much appreciated :)
09/29/2014 10:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sub and a diamond. Fantastic job on the build, quite the transformation from a graveyard!
