Minecraft Maps / Other

Super Mario Parkour (1.6.4)

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Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
I haven't been crafting ANYTHING in a LONG time! So I finally got back to work and came up with this yesterday.

There's not much to say, it's just super mario parkour courses.

Okay, maybe it's not that super, but only because it's nowhere near done. I'll update it as I create ideas, and YOU give me ideas. I would love any interesting ways to add on to this compilation, so be sure to tell me in the comments.

Read "Additional Notes" for the Basic rules and setup.

Additional Notes


Objective: Navigate the course, reach the tower, retrieve the grand star. Simple

1. Play game on Survival
2. Don't break blocks
3. It's better if you do this with multiple people to make it fun.
4. Don't be an idiot (don't cheat)
5. Have fun!

YOU MUST USE THE INCLUDED RESOURCE PACK!!!!!! It's Included in the .zip file.
Name: Mariocraft Allstars-1.6
Maker: WiiRool (Good Job on this pack if u happen to see this)
CreditCreeperXL97, ObsceneFlapjacks (Testing)
Progress10% complete

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09/30/2013 6:35 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
I downloaded and played and I have to say I had a ton of fun there is currently no way to the second level since it is not finished so I flew over and tried it out and I have to say this is one of my favorite parkour maps and the Mario Bros 3 Texture pack (Although not yours) adds a ton of effect.
09/30/2013 10:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
Thanks for the feedback... I'll give a spoiler to you and anyone who reads this. This will eventually go adventure style, with many different world to explore, and hidden bonus rooms to collect weapons and items. Each world will contain eight stars. That's all I will disclose. If you can find the maker of the texture pack, please tell me so I can included it in the description!

Thanks again for feedback! :)
