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Techition's Avatar Techition
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Sweet Dreams [Adventure map]

Map type: Adventure/RPG

Minecraft version needed: 1.5.1

Players: 1-4 (2+ is HIGHLY recommended for most people)

Suggested gamemode: Adventure

Map difficulty setting: Easy or above

Allowed Mods:

-Too Many Items (ONLY to access adventure mode and to turn it to night so you can sleep along with being able to fix the bugs if the happen. There will be buttons to turn it to night via command blocks and to set game mode. I am currently working on implementing that so you may not need TMI when the map is released)

-Optifine (Since everybody uses it)

-(Visual mods are allowed, such as shaders and things that dono t change gameplay a bit)

Suggested Texture Packs:

-(Turn connected textures on no for best visuals)

Sweet Dreams Texture Pack (Big props to the painterly pack which was used to create the basis for this pack. Saved me so much time and headache!)

Known Map Issues:

-Creepers blowing holes through the walls. (FIXED! Creepers and endermen no longer do damage to the map!)

-Ocelot taming troubles. For some reason I have found that ocelots sometimes just wono t tame no matter how many fish you throw at it. If this happens then spawn in another ocelot spawn egg and enough fish to tame the dang cat. Once tamed dispose of the extra fish (You may keep a few if you need food badly)

-Ocelot sitting on the chests. I dono t know if ito s just me or if other people have had issues with those cats sitting on beds and chests they come across without being told to sit. If they do it, well, try to unsit them, sometimes it works, if it doesno t then switch your game mode just so you can break whatever the cat is sitting on. That should fix the issue. Make sure you return to adventure mode before continuing on.

-Typos in the books. Typos happen, Io m typing up the storyline books while in game making the map and, since Minecraft lacks spell check and editing those books is a pain in the rump, Io ve taken the stance of o The hell with it!o if I find a typo in an already completed book. I tried to avoid too many typos but my vision isno t so grand so I did end up missing a few. Sorry about that.

-Lighting errors. OK, so not much I can do there. This map doesno t seem to have a whole lot of them but, well, if you find one, just excuse it as a Minecraft glitch, since thato s pretty much what it is and move on.


-Dono t break anything unless you have been told to do so. You MAY break crops, this includes wheat, carrots, potatoes, sugarcane, and cocoa bean pods. Pumpkins and melons are excluded from this list of breakables so dono t break those.

-Dono t cheat. If a room really makes you rage then I can excuse it for that room but only as a last resort. Cheating could cause you to miss parts of the story or break the map if you do something really wrong. This is for your own enjoyment.

Creator Notes:

-I have personally tested every room and, honestly, the whole map in general. To get a second opinion I have also had one of my girlfriends play through to test it. Every room will progress you through the story and is able to be completed. However, there are multiple branches in the story, each choice leads you on a totally different adventure with different rooms and story. Replaying is recommended if you wish to experience the fully potential of this map.

-I would say this map is pretty easy to complete, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a peaceful walk through and 10 being rage quit inducing, I would give this map a 5. The parkour segments are pretty straight forward (Io m not that great at parkour myself so making a hellish parkour segment would be pretty hypocritical of me) and, while finding the chests and doors can take some searching, while contending with mobs, it really isno t that hard. (Thus why I had someone else test it to find these things, no fair for me to test the searching aspect since I know where everything is.) Overall ito s a pretty low stress map in my opinion. Of course my idea of high stress may vary from the opinion of others.

-No, not everything in the story is going to make sense at first. As you progress farther, however, these things will be explained.

-I am a very sadistic bastard writing the story about a very sadistic being and their trapped/currently enslaved victim. Needless to say this map is most certainly pg-13 due to language, alcohol and drug references and (Light!) sexual references in the story. You have been warned. It's not too bad, trust me, I can be much worse. I'm trying to keep it somewhat tame though.

-Use the enderchests! For the sake of your sanity, USE THE ENDERCHESTS! (Actually, I'm thinking about enabling keep inventory for the map but the enderchests could still be helpful to you)


Description for video for those who don't watch it on youtube itself:


So, since my computer isn't beast enough to record LPs right now (I am working on getting a new one this Saturday, if all goes well) I've been taking up my time creating a map. Sweet Dreams is going to be a very story heavy map with some RPG elements, multiple paths and outcomes based upon the choices you make. So far I have four outcomes planned but I may very well add a number more.

The outcomes you get aren't based upon score, kills or anything like that and they don't have you going through the same builds. Every time you make a major choice in the map it will lead you through a completely different set of builds, challenges and, of course, another branch in the story.

I dare say I'm about 25% done with the map but, again, that number may not be accurate if I decide to really make it a huge map, as if it isn't big enough already. . .

Anyways, this is just a preview. I'm still working on builds and challenges, working out the story and troubleshooting a number of things. I'm aiming to have this map completed by mid-summer though it may take longer or it may take less time, I can only guess right now.

So far it already spans across 4 biomes. . .

Music: Final Hour by Remnants of a Digital Age (ROADA) . . .I'm the composer for the group so yea, I have full rights to use it in videos.
Progress30% complete

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