This Map is an entry in the completed Head into the Clouds Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Balance - The Temple of Origins ☆JПΛΣ☆

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Jnaejnae's Avatar Jnaejnae
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Story - click to reveal
This is as legend goes, During the time when all was peace, the Nether and Overworld were one, and a place god could call home. Notch, the mighty god spawned a man, his name was Steve. He lived happily in God's Temple. God forbid the Orb of Life from Steve for his own protection. The Orb contains all life and the very soul of Steve. Steve grew lonely without anyone to keep him company. He decided he can create his own friend so one day Steve sneaks off and steals a shard of the Orb. God catchess him, he is furious with Steve. God cast the shard into a pit of lava but what happened was of the unexpected, the lava became alive. First little magma cubes formed but soon after the lava half consumed the temple. As Steve fled the evil force took him down and burned him alive. Steve hasn't died, his soul was scattered in the lava. His body reformed from the evil spirit. His eyes glowed a bright white. He has been infused with the Orb yet he also was filled with evil. He began creating mobs as he pleased. God tried to stop this madness by fixing the orb but what he found out is that the lava spirit has filled the shard where the hole once was yet the rest of the Orb fought back thus creating the endless struggle between life and death. To this day the Magma Cream is a representation of the legendary day. God attempted to remove him from the game but that was no longer possible. He was the game now. He is Herobrine."

Hey guys! This build took me a while. I need all the support I can get because PMC choses the finalists based on diamonds and good feedback so a last minute entry has little chance so please give me all the support I can get. Thanks :D I hope you liked my story about the origins of herobrine, magma cubes, and death in general.
Progress80% complete

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08/11/2014 10:10 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Pretty nice man ;o good work with the curves! :D
07/31/2014 6:11 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
¨a last minute entry has little chance¨ That is not entirely true. In the review period a later entry will show up earlier than one of the first entry, those are on the last pages. Besides diamonds there are judge diamonds, those are more worth for entering the finals. Oh and on the end the best ones are often choosen, so there is a chance that your entry snows under all the others.

Anyway nice entry and good luck although you´re competition.
07/31/2014 12:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
D:  I have no chance of getting into the finalists. It now says that submissions without downloads will be ignored and it didn't say that before. Here is my download:   I doubt it will count but I can't add a download to my post now so I'm screwed. Why is it only telling me now. I guesss it's been on the rules the whole time but only now is it noticable. So much for my work. I am so sad ;o;
07/31/2014 12:38 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
It actually never said that until now. This is what it said before: "Create your project on PlanetMinecraft and include the link to the zip file in the "World Save" input field. Good luck!" After the enry period this pops up: "Entries without a download are not eligible to make the finalists but they still deserve to be seen." Why did they not tell you that you need a download to make it to the finals?
07/31/2014 4:37 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
however, you are currently on pop-reel next to a bunch of superb-mind-boggling entries, so you got that going for you, which is nice.
07/31/2014 5:57 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
Ya... :D
07/31/2014 1:08 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
PM one of the contest judges and explain it and ask if you may put it into the world save box. Secondly on the contest details page section ¨How to enter¨ -> subtitle ¨Submit project with download to PMC during entry period¨ so yeah...

Honestly with the quality of other entries I don´t know if you would have made the finals. At least you will get a participatin badge. On the last contest (rollercoaster) I saw someone entering the finals due to a disqualification without a download link. In the end he was also disqualified and left without a badge (the lots of disqualification was the main reasing the judging of the last contest took so long)
07/31/2014 3:56 am
Level 35 : Artisan System
xdthomasu's Avatar
Too nice man <4
07/31/2014 12:19 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
Thanks alot!
07/31/2014 1:45 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Laddyimus's Avatar
