Minecraft Maps / Other

Texture Pack Template v1

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DinosaurDex's Avatar DinosaurDex
Level 17 : Journeyman Unicorn
Hey guys! This is a texture pack template. When you're done creating your texture pack, use this to present it on the web! Just take this world save, switch it to your texture pack, take some screenshots, and post it here on planetminecraft! Hope you enjoy. Oh and btw. The water tends to freeze from time to time if it starts snowing. -___-
Progress95% complete

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03/23/2015 1:59 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
durgadas's Avatar
Looks cool, but... download link is broken as of this date. FYI.
05/31/2012 8:31 am
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator
tsurra's Avatar
but how do you EDIT the blocks in the first place
imma keep it a buck with you
08/08/2011 12:52 am
Level 38 : Artisan Elf
imma keep it a buck with you's Avatar
First off, you're missing some blocks. Some of the wool colors (although this might be intentional, trapdoors, regular clay, the other two wood types, boat, minecart, the half stone block, and cobwebs is what I noticed. Move the saplings, they're blocking like 4 of the blocks. You should have one or two crops growing.

If you want some ideas, you might want to make a big wall that has all the painting on it. Also, it'd be kind of cool if you could trap one of every mob in little glass observation rooms so we can see those textures and add in a chest full of all the items that aren't blocks (tools, armor, food, ect) This won't fit in one screenshot, it'll take 3 or 4, but so what?
07/24/2011 10:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
trusmo's Avatar
you should go into your terrain file and arrange as so
07/12/2011 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
gusgillis1's Avatar
Not the best template i have seen...its just the setup, you cant exactly see some stuff with this template
07/12/2011 11:05 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Unicorn
DinosaurDex's Avatar
tell me how to improve it
07/31/2011 1:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
gusgillis1's Avatar
Make the saplings line up beside the lava and water
