Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

The Ark - Colonizing Alpha Centauri

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Ervinache235's Avatar Ervinache235
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
  Hello guys and welcome to one of my biggest projects so far! This is the Ark, a 4.5 km long colonization ship which will have its first mission in 2369 to Alpha Centauri.

  The ship has a capacity of about 4000 colonists, 40 small survery ships, 1 larger exploration ship, deployable probes, solar veils and energy solar pannels.
  The ship also has night clubs, shopping centers, parks and recreation distrcits.
  The ship's main power is a huge solar veil which can generate enormous ammount of power and thrust!
  Also the ship has a medium ion engine which can also improve the thrust.

  The ship was inspired by Elite Dangerous, I stated some time ago that I will be working on projects related to this game and I still have some awesome builds in progress!
  It took me quite some time to figure the design of the ship since I wanted to make it quite realistic, the main concept of the ship is the O'neil Tube type of Artificial gravity habitat. In theory the solar veils should have been much bigger in order for the ship to function properly, but I decided to leave them like this for design purposes.

  I will be showing these areas in a future video!

  Build time 8.5 hours.
  Render time 20 minutes.
  And stay tunned for a future upcoming Youtube video where the ship will be fully animated and showcased!
  Download link will be coming later.

  Don't forget to leave a like, subscribe and comment down bellow what do you think about this ship!
Progress100% complete

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Nexus XIV
07/25/2019 5:06 am
Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
Nexus XIV's Avatar
Where is the download?
Bard Bard
12/27/2018 9:54 am
Level 43 : Master Dragon
Bard Bard's Avatar
Woah, this is amazing!
12/28/2018 4:26 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Ervinache235's Avatar
Thank you!
