This Map is an entry in the completed Project 2048 | Space Exploration Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Interstellar Rescue Ship

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Ervinache235's Avatar Ervinache235
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer

This is the Interstellar Rescue Ship

It is one of the most advanced ships from the year 2048 having incredible light-speed engines, cryo-chambers, 6 docking ports, the most advanced AI and many more technological wonders.

This ship is able to identify other ships which are in danger, warp to them, dock them and it can even bring the said ship in danger back to safety thanks to its powerful engines.

The top speed achived by this ship is about 1.2 light years in just under one month, however it is not recommended to use it at maximum capacity since it can create some pretty awful space-time problems, like seeing the back of your neck for a pretty long eternity.

Do not play with this ship unless you own a light-speed license.
Not knowing when to decelerate and go at sub-light speeds will cause, again, many space-time inconveniences. I shall give you another example! Would you like to have your DNA streched for over 10 light years in the quantum sub-fabric of our space-time?

I think I need to stop with the little story here xD, anyway guys, I made this ship quite in a hurry since I wasnt in my Country, yet here it is and I really hope that you enjoyed the build!
Progress100% complete

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09/22/2019 6:10 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
pixel844's Avatar
wow cool
