Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Continent of Dagard [Pop Feed Again

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Drayman's Avatar Drayman
Level 49 : Master Wolf Whisperer
This map was made for the people down at Conquest RPG and have asked me to not specify a download link on this post, therefore I ask that you do not ask me where the download link is, thank you! Also be sure to check them out in the link below if you wish to see my map in game!
Hey guys! Drayman here with a beautiful new map! Unfortunatly as said above I cannot post the download link due to reasons beyond my understanding but ill be sure to explain the greater parts of this map in full detail. First off we have a beautiful but simple forest filled with flowers, bushes, grass, and of course, trees!undefined
Next up we have a beautiful lush desert! this biome started out as a test but turned out to look very good! On the ground we have a mixture of sand, grass, and sandstone. the cliffs are made from sandstone and hardened clay, while any mountains are made from sandstone [dont ask why theres mountains XD]
around the Northern area we have a beautiful tiaga based off of the previous terrain! this terrain is generally the same as the previous, so I reccomend heading over their to get an idea!
Next up we have a large, craggy terrain. It consists of a very snowy landscapes filled with sharp peaks and green pines. Unfortunatly these didn't turn out how I wished they would, but at least I tried :P
Further north we have a beautiful birch forest filled with... you guessed it, birch trees! I found this biome very beautiful, which of course was the main intention XD
Just east of the birch forest you will encounter a very cliffy jungle! this was inspired by many of the jungles in the world today and on my behalf I beleive I succeded in making a beautiful jungle!
Just south of the jungle you will find what is called a shield. Simply put, a shield is a very rocky landscape that you will likely find somewhere in canada :D anyways this biome turned out beautiful and I wil say that it is one of my favorites in this map! Also the render looks epic!
Towards the east of the shield you will find a beautiful, and colorful Mesa. this is by far, the best mesa ive ever made and I am proud to be showing it to you guys!
And last but not least, all the way to the south east corner of the map we have a very cliffy island populated by dark, looming pines and rocky shores. As you see in the render its labeled "Lonely Island due to the isolation of its location [and because I couldnt think of a name :P]
But anyways guys! I hope you enjoyed these images and again im sorry I couldn't post the map download, but do not fret, I will be trying to post maps based off of the ones you have seen today. also quick notice, I am leaving for a trip so its un likely that you will be hearing from me soon! See you guys later!
Progress100% complete

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10/12/2014 3:30 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Love it man! Great renders too!
08/05/2014 8:36 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Blue5lime's Avatar
I just made a new world with AMPLIFIED world settings looks better than this :)
08/06/2014 2:59 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheMcVikings's Avatar
I dont belive you!
08/06/2014 8:49 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
EndsAscent's Avatar
amplified world settings? better? than this? your joking right
08/09/2014 7:20 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Blue5lime's Avatar
Yes mate it is the most best "natural" generated world I have ever seen and i am not joking I almost fell out my chair but still I didnt mean it as in this hand made world is bad i just meant like this seed is so amazing it looks better than something that was hand made!
08/06/2014 11:48 am
Level 49 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Drayman's Avatar
Lol nice to know :)
08/05/2014 12:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Coldshade's Avatar
Teach me senpai! ༼ つ◕︵◕ ༽つ
08/05/2014 6:46 pm
Level 49 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Drayman's Avatar
Lol the knowledge is too great!
08/05/2014 12:13 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
piggywiggy247's Avatar
I wish I new how to make the snow on the mountains look like that :/
tutorial maybe...... ;D
Great job on this it looks absolutly stunning!!!
08/05/2014 8:34 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Blue5lime's Avatar
your kidding right? lol nice one :D
