This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Minecraft Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Nether Structure

The Cursed Factory

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gpg9000's Avatar gpg9000
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

-= The Cursed Factory =-

Somewhere in the desolated lands of the Nether, there was a valley full of the purest and brightest gold in the whole Minecraft realm. This treasure could not remain hidden forever, eventually it fell into the wrong hands.

One day a group of piglin explorers came across this rich valley and astonished by the immense gold reserve they decided to settle and create a new civilization there.

Then, piglins had a huge project ahead, to build the biggest and most ambitious project they could have ever imagined. Gears, chimneys, conveyor belts... all of that put together to build The Gold Factory. After five months of hard work, the main building was ready and in three more weeks they finished the rail tracks and a complex sewer system of lava, which made the completion of The Gold Factory. They became so rich that ruled the Nether.

As they were destroying the environment with too much industry and pollution, the Guardian of the three dimensions of Minecraft, the Dragon, became aware of it and restored the order of the Nether by casting a curse over the factory. Since then, it is known as The Cursed Factory.

The piglins suffered the most severe punishment they could have ever imagined. Some theories say that you get instantly turned into dust, others tell that you suffocate and are eaten by the Dragon, but nobody really knows what is the real punishment that you get by stepping onto the factory.

Only the bravest human beings dare to get close to it, are you one of them?

Building Details

I wanted to try out some of the new blocks of Minecraft 1.16, so this contest was a great opportunity to do it.

I decided to build a big factory with an evil style because it matches with the new blocks. There are chains and different kinds of blackstone all around the structures.

There is a bridge with two levels, the top one consists of a runaway where you can walk from the portal to the factory and there's a railway to carry the gold in minecarts just below it. From the portal you can see two buildings, the one on the left is the main factory where gold is melt and processed, the building on the right is where the waste is thrown to the void. Both buildings share a similar style and have lava flows, chimneys and gears.

The dragon adds an evilish feature to the map, it is coming out from a cave and I added the detail of the hand sticking out of it.

Map info:

- Map made for 1.16

- If the spawn messes up, /tp to these coordinates in the Nether: -543 39 -315

Feel free to explore and use this map in every way you want. But please don't forget to credit me (gpg9000) if you are going to use it in a creation of your own.

Thanks and enjoy the map :D
Progress100% complete

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01/07/2021 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xFlyxng's Avatar
Hey gpg, amazing build! Could I contact you through discord?
01/07/2021 8:49 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
gpg9000's Avatar
Thanks!! Yes you can, np.
01/08/2021 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xFlyxng's Avatar
Was this meant to be like this? I can only see characters and hex codes for colors.
07/19/2020 5:17 pm
Level 29 : Expert Zombie
Killector's Avatar
This maps is heck of beautyness! But it oddly look very familiar to me. Hm is this is this inspired by jeracraft Nether Base?
07/19/2020 5:37 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
gpg9000's Avatar
The theme of the build is the same as jeracraft’s one, but i did not copy any of his ideas, it is all made with my style and experience :)
07/19/2020 7:15 pm
Level 29 : Expert Zombie
Killector's Avatar
Little bit misunderstand word here. As i can see most of object in your project map has similarity with jeracraft had like chain hanging from ceiling and lava pipe something like that. And those all first originaly was jeracraft ideas to make those thing, and you inspired by it and make your own style version of it. So i think the correct word for you to reply is "i get some of his idea and remake it with my own style". Not "but i did not copy any of his ideas, it is all made with my style and experience". Just like i said before about the original idea maker, if you or someone else make some creation that basic with inspiration from someone else a.k.a the original maker, all of the thing that contain material that can be used for your project is purely the original maker ideas. Like example i want to invention a portal and in the first place that basic idea me trying to inventing a portal is inspired by Mr.B trying to make a teleporter. Basically the original idea was come up from Mr.B and im just like upgrading and improving it and making it as my own style thing. But still i had no right to claim that idea is my idea because in the first place i had idea making that thing is from Mr.B idea. Something like that.

I'm saying like this for ownership rights of the original idea maker.
If you do not agree with what i'm saying that alright.
07/19/2020 8:25 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
gpg9000's Avatar
I wanted to make the build look evil and dark, so i decided to put chains hanging from the ceiling, which is a really common feature in lots of builds but still make the factory look evil. Then i saw that the walls were kind of empty so i decided to make some lava pipes which represent like there is a sewer system inside those walls. I didn’t remember anything about jeracraft’s build as i watched it like 3 years ago, but i have just rewatched it and noticed that those 2 features are very similar to his build. Now, i totaly agree with you that he is the idea maker but basically I didn’t know it and I do not want to steal his idea and say that it is mine or anything like that with this build. Sorry for the miss understanding.
07/19/2020 10:25 pm
Level 29 : Expert Zombie
Killector's Avatar
That's ok.
Glad you realize your mistake. :D

Plus i hope you win this contest!
07/19/2020 10:34 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
gpg9000's Avatar
Thanks!! :D
07/19/2020 11:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kooolsheltie's Avatar
Cool I can’t wait to rp with my friends in this
07/19/2020 12:04 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
gpg9000's Avatar
Hope you enjoy your role play ;)
