Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Daedalus Labyrinth

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jazzfinger's Avatar jazzfinger
Level 27 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Hey guys,

I would proudly like to introduce the Daedalus Labyrinth. This mysterious maze will take all the brainpower you've got to beat it. There are three entrances and one exit. This is a game for 1-3 players and is meant to be played as a team. There are three colored blocks that must be activated with levers found throughout the maze. Otherwise, there is no way to get to the exit (besides running around the outside... ). Finding all the levers requires you to use levers already found in order to open pathways to chests.

I've been thinking for a while about starting some minigame projects. This is my first minigame and, incidently, my first statue-building experience. I tell the truth when I say that I have never built a statue in my life. The inspiration for the minotaur statue came from the labyrinth itself. I must say that when I got into the rhythm, statue-building was really fun. It did take a few minutes for me to think about where to start. I pulled some of the tricks I learned from watching TheEvilSketch tutorials. He actually built a minotaur; I did not copy what he built but pulled my starting inspiration from his creation. Everything started flowing together after that.

I used the optifine mod for those of you who noticed a slight difference in the texture patterns and the Conquest resourcepack for the cool block textures.

Notes on using this build for servers:
  • Please, please feel free to change the gameplay and obstacles to your liking. I put together some quick puzzles, but if you have a better idea, change it up!
  • Please make sure that I am given full credit; I like the attention :)
  • And have fun with it!

Thank you for your time,

Progress100% complete

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