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Horrors of new world
Welcome to York. It's a pity it's a one-way ticket...
Много лет назад Земля была истощена войнами, что бушевали по всему миру. Человечество переживало не самый лучший период своей жизни, а завершающим маневром стало падение метеорита на границе между Монголией и Россией, что привело к смерти огромного числа людей и появлению на планете новых неизвестных форм жизни. Большая часть Евразии уничтожена. Северная Америка стала спасением для многих, но человечество ослабло и ему пришлось выживать в новых суровых условиях. Но словно из ниоткуда приходят люди, что готовы помочь. Однако их цели были совершенно иными. Играя на доверии оставшихся в живых людях они превратили города в крепости, создав новые агломерации и теперь удерживают контроль уже 50 лет. Вы - Джордж Форд, просыпаетесь в поезде, который только что приехал в New York и ваша цель - положить всему конец и освободить человечество от диктатуры и несправедливости и вернуть планету себе. Сделайте все возможное чтобы слово "человек" снова звучало гордо.
На карте присутствуют ассеты из Half-Life 2 Beta, Fallout. Концепция некоторых локаций взята из Machinarium.
Many years ago, the Earth was exhausted by the wars that raged around the world. Humanity was not going through the best period of its life, and the final maneuver was the fall of a meteorite on the border between Mongolia and Russia, which led to the death of a huge number of people and the appearance of new unknown life forms on the planet. Most of Eurasia has been destroyed. North America has become a salvation for many, but humanity has weakened and had to survive in harsh new conditions. But as if from nowhere, people come who are ready to help. However, their goals were completely different. Playing on the trust of the survivors, they turned cities into fortresses, creating new agglomerations and have now held control for 50 years. You are George Ford, you wake up on a train that has just arrived in New York and your goal is to put an end to everything and free humanity from dictatorship and injustice and reclaim the planet for yourself. Do your best to make the word "human" sound proud again.
The map contains assets from Half-Life 2 Beta, Fallout. The concept of some locations is taken from Machinarium.
Карта для 1.16.5
Map for 1.16.5
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16 Update Logs
Update #16 New locations, weapons, and more about texturepack : by Zafkiel512 01/26/2025 2:05:08 pmJan 26th
Today I want to talk about textures, new locations and weapons.
And so, I added new locations, which will take place in New York, during a civil uprising against the current government of the Chancellor (the main opponent on the map, or the boss). We will face a boss fight in his apartment, and as a result, there will be 2 endings: a good one and a neutral one.
I updated the textures of fire and smoke, and changed the skybox again, and MOST IMPORTANTLY! I'VE ACHIEVED WHAT I THINK ARE NORMAL COLORMAPS! I've also updated the sounds of walking, taking damage, and generally everything the player can interact with. I also changed the models of some mobs. That is, now panda is an old pickup truck, and hoglin is a transport plane, and this is a small part of all of the above. I also made rebels who are our allies and will help us in the battles in the battle for North America.
I have added several new guns, namely: ak47, m4 (I may delete it), APS(STECHKIN),G17 Glock, MP5 EOD. That's not all I'd like to tell you. Wait for further news.

And so, I added new locations, which will take place in New York, during a civil uprising against the current government of the Chancellor (the main opponent on the map, or the boss). We will face a boss fight in his apartment, and as a result, there will be 2 endings: a good one and a neutral one.
I updated the textures of fire and smoke, and changed the skybox again, and MOST IMPORTANTLY! I'VE ACHIEVED WHAT I THINK ARE NORMAL COLORMAPS! I've also updated the sounds of walking, taking damage, and generally everything the player can interact with. I also changed the models of some mobs. That is, now panda is an old pickup truck, and hoglin is a transport plane, and this is a small part of all of the above. I also made rebels who are our allies and will help us in the battles in the battle for North America.
I have added several new guns, namely: ak47, m4 (I may delete it), APS(STECHKIN),G17 Glock, MP5 EOD. That's not all I'd like to tell you. Wait for further news.

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