Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

A Rabbit's Utopia - The Map from my Dream

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Dwarfsosi's Avatar Dwarfsosi
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
I used WorldPainter to make this map...

Credit to Eremilion’s Tree Pack:

I use the Conquest Texture Pack + Optifine in minecraft 1.7.10 for a lot of unique textures. Get them all in one here:

This Map is inspired by a very vivid dream I had recently. I can remember it like it actually happened, and, although the details of the dream are lost, the scenery is still very much remembered. I decided to make a map of what I could remember. The Dream started out with my brother and I standing in a clearing, facing a forest of tortured, crooked looking birch trees. The birch trees rose slightly on an incline, effectively blocking the view of what lay beyond. Buzzing in the air around us were an annoying amount of insects, mostly fireflies. Nibbling on the grass was hundreds of little rabbits, who didn't seem to mind our presence. In the dream, my brother and I had no idea how we got there. The only way to go was to go forward into the forest. It was a sparse forest of gently swaying birch trees and aggressive briar patches, which we tried our best to avoid. The air tasted slightly like manure and there was a slight breeze to it. Not long after hiking through this short forested area, we came to another clearing where a very shallow and muddy steam flowed lazily before us with no bridge to cross. We crossed anyway; the water only came up to just below the knee. After hiking up a small incline on the other side of the steam, we were confronted by an amazing view of farmland, tuscany style, as far as the eye could see. Carrots, Potatoes, Wheat and Pumpkin patches all had their own secluded spaces to grow, separated by rows of grape vines or thick vegetation. The farms were tended by rabbit-people wearing rags - no humans. Later, after trampling through the farmlands we found a rich looking German-styled late Medieval town, again, populated by all rabbit people. The rest of the dream beyond this point escapes me. I did not want to build the town or invest time into a big landscape so this map highlights only the beginning of the dream.

The Clearing (Where the Dream Started Out)

A Rabbit's Utopia - The Map from my Dream Minecraft Map

A Rabbit's Utopia - The Map from my Dream Minecraft Map

A Rabbit's Utopia - The Map from my Dream Minecraft Map

The Steam (Where the Dream came to)

The Farms (Where the Dream Ended Up)

Overview Renders

Rabbit Knight

(Sorry if I weirded anyone out, lol)
If you would like to also visit this place, give my project a big ol' ugly DIAMOND!
Progress100% complete

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-Fox McCloud-
10/22/2019 12:23 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Fox
-Fox McCloud-'s Avatar
I like the name
Nexus XIV
02/19/2017 11:46 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
Nexus XIV's Avatar
That's a pretty cool dream!
08/04/2016 12:00 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
qq1301692703's Avatar
Hi Dwarfsosi! I'm an editor of China.
I've found your new project

A Rabbit's Utopia - The Map from my Dream

. It's really a nice job.
Therefore I'm here to ask if I could repost your project to our website MCBBS:www.mcbbs.net/forum.php.
However, due to the fact that our country has blocked a lot of foreign websites.
So could you allow us create a new Chinese downlink.
I will list your name and the original website clearly.
(Diamond for you :D)
08/04/2016 2:51 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dwarfsosi's Avatar
Sure,go for it.
Soup Shark
08/02/2016 5:47 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
Soup Shark's Avatar
08/01/2016 11:18 am
Level 76 : Legendary Artist
Caspero_A's Avatar
Looks lovely, Well done. =D
08/01/2016 7:36 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network
WizryNet's Avatar
Loving the atmosphere in this build and really loving the context of the art :) Here's a diamond to you!
07/31/2016 8:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
ChickenMac7's Avatar
I still vaguely remember a dream I had close to a year ago, I only remember a light, gray gradient. I don't remember anything else, although I have recalled everything in it for a split second a few times, and then I immediately forgot it. Kind of like when you're about to say something important and then forget what you were going to say. Ever had that?
Anyways, very nice job on the build, it does look like something you'd find in a dream; with the river going through, and the lighting, so props on that.
07/31/2016 9:14 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dwarfsosi's Avatar
I know exactly what you mean - like deja vu but with dreams. Happens to me a lot too. I guess something triggers it, but I love when it happens :]. It's weird how you forget it soon then too, even if you try to hold on to it. Thanks though! Much appreciated! Obviously the dream wasn't built with minecraft blocks but I use the tools I have .
07/31/2016 10:24 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
ChickenMac7's Avatar
Yep, that's a good explanation, then you try to remember it but you just can't. Ha ha
