Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Meeting Place

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Level 49 : Master Pirate
The nomad tribes build this structure as a place that groups can meet and hash out their grievances. Argumments stay here and do not follow back into the deserts.

I made this structure as a friday project. It would look great in any desert setting.

If you like it please hint me up with a Diamond and a Favorite. There are more to come so don't forget to subscribe. Minecraft is the Legos that you won't step on at night!

MC Version: 1.7.10 (I like the Metablocks that they got rid of with the updates.)
Texture pack: Conquest, Conquest 3D addon pack
Tools used in creation: World Painter for the landscapes and MCEdit to repeat structures and large shapes.
Mods: Optifine
Player Skin: Underpants Duck by Hifey 

Suggestions for enhanced gameplay: because I use lots of fire for lighting and it isn’t always on a block that burns, and if you dont want lots of things burning down before you explore them, use the following commands as soon as you get into the game:
“/gamerule mobGriefing false”
“/gamerule doFireTick false”
“/gamerule doMobSpawning false”

For easy teleportation use the following: “/give @p 137”
Then edit the command block to include: “tp @p XXX YYY ZZZ”

The Fine Print
I give everyone permission to use any of my builds for whatever purpose as long as:
1. You do not claim the original or edited versions as your own.
2. If you re-upload anything you must link back to the original.
3. If you download it, give a Diamond, if you love it please come back and favorite it and give a shout out. I love the feedback.
4. If you use part in your world, or server please let me know how you are using it.
5. If you're making any sort of monetary profit off of them I want my cut.


The Meeting Place Minecraft Map
Creative Commons License
This work by Mohotzgui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Progress100% complete

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the adman2315
07/07/2015 4:18 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
is it built around a beacon, or something?
07/07/2015 7:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
Yes it is build around a beacon.
07/03/2015 1:22 pm
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
Sometimes less is more - this is really nicely done!
07/03/2015 3:54 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
How to get up to Windows? xD

Man its really nice fantastic work you done again.
07/03/2015 10:31 am
Level 49 : Master Pirate
They were more decoration/ so the walls aren't too plain. I guess ladders would work for future updates.
