Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Ruler Of Twilight - A Twilight Forest Adventure Map

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Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Within the confines of Mist Village...
You just recently moved into the village and have unpacked your belongings. You decide to explore the village to learn of the history of this 'Land of Twilight'. While doing that, you notice multiple sealed entrances that appear openable if you had trophies of the Five Twilight Beasts. The items stashed away in these sealed entrances would help you fight a corrupt ruler, the Ruler of Twilight, who has locked themselves away in their crumbling Twilight Castle.

The Ruler started this eternal sundown that fills the sky. Using their strong magic, the Twilight Machine was born to prevent the sun from setting. Defeating them would cause night to fall once again and peace to be brought upon the forest. But it won't be easy to do this.
You see, the Ruler of Twilight has defeated the Five Protectors of the forest and locked their spirits away in the Twilight Castle. They have absorbed the power the Protectors possessed and are using it in their malicious spells.


Will you be the hero that shall save the Twilight Forest from the Ruler's grasp? Or will you fall like all the other heroes who challenged the Ruler? Only one way to find out...


Within the Dropbox file I have linked, it contains the following files...

-The R.O.T. world
-A few mods used in the decoration/variation of the landscape
-And folders that go with the CustomNPCs mod to fill in the textures used for each NPC.

The mods and this map are all in 1.12.2
The Lucky Block Mod is not used in the map at all, so you can delete those entries without any repercussion.
This map is meant to be played in Survival at any difficulty you wish.

If there are any bugs/problems with the NPCs or the progression of the story, please comment them or message me on Discord.
Discord account is in a written book in the map.

I hope you enjoy this map and that your adventure is filled with wonder.

CreditTwilight Forest Mod by Benimatic | CustomNPCs Mod by Noppes | Bibliocraft Mod by Nuchaz | Tinker's Construct Mod by mDiyo | Construct's Armory add-on Mod by TheIllusiveC4 | Primitive Mobs Mod by Daveyx0 | Mowzie's Mobs Mod by bobmowzie
Progress100% complete

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09/24/2020 6:35 pm
She/Her • Level 33 : Artisan Fox Fox
Welcome to PMC; this is quite a way to join it with this, although I haven't tried it out yet. I really like how you used Twilight Forest as the basis for it.
09/24/2020 7:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Thanks for the warm welcome! I decided to use the Twilight Forest because of how RPG-esque it was like already with its progression system. Plus I really love the biomes and mobs of the mod.
