Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Simplest Tent Ever

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barrel_maker's Avatar barrel_maker
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Kudos to my little brother for coming up with the design for this great little tent! The first time he showed it to me I couldn't believe he had just up and created what has become one of my favorite Minecraft "buildings" of all. What I love about this tent is that it requires very little resources to build (just 39 blocks of wool, for example, if I'm not mistaken), fits the scale of the game quite nicely and – last, but not least – looks exactly like a real tent. Ever since I've had this tent in my repertoire, I've made it my priority to look for two iron ores (to make shears out of) and a flock of sheep whenever I start a new game. Living in this tent feels a lot more realistic than digging a square hole into the side of a mountain as a first crude accommodation. I hope you'll come to love it as much as I do.

Please feel free to use my designs anywhere you want. However, please don't publicly pass them off as your own by using them in a video or re-uploading them to your profile without providing a link to the original project. Thank you.

This is the texture pack I used for the screenshots:
Progress100% complete

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12/20/2017 1:28 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
It is actually useable. Fits the size of any first-night dirt house designs.
Nice touch, the shears on the plank.
