Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Social Experiment - Strike A Pose

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Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer

The Social Experiment- Strike A Pose:

I present to you: The Social Experiment, in this singleplayer adventure map-type game you have to go trough 4 floors where you answer 4 questions:
  1. Appearance: How would you like to look like?
  2. Personality: How would you like to be?
  3. Talents: What would you like to master?
  4. Prefrences: What do you like most?

All those answers combined makes your personal experience playing the game. Regarding the minigames the system gets you to play. What i like to achieve is that people get excited to discover what answer does what. Not to mention that there are 24 different storylines :). Please comment if something goes wrong during the game.

Once again i hope you enjoy. MyLifeAsMe_
This is a map made for 1.8 and above.

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 No Drastic Changes : by MyLifeAsMe_ 08/06/2014 3:19:40 pmAug 6th, 2014

-Removed the achievements
-Made the boss fight fair

P.S. If you guys want me to add some rounds please comment, i have some ideas.

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09/20/2014 2:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Network
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAH How you do this?
08/24/2014 5:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
s Feromonas
que me pássou esse mapa
08/05/2014 6:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
A youtuber with 2 million subnscribers did this :3
08/07/2014 8:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Feromonas ?
