Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Temple of Time from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (completely legit)

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JohnM92's Avatar JohnM92
Level 34 : Artisan Spelunker
I know that a lot of people have already built The Temple of Time, but I've not seen any that are very accurate, so I decided to post this. I built it a few months ago in SSP, and now I'm using that SSP save for my SMP server.

It's all legit, so it took a couple weeks to build it, but I think it was worth it. It's based entirely off what the temple looks like in-game in Ocarina of Time. Since there are only really 3 2D pictures of the exterior and they contradict each other if I'm not mistaken, it was pretty tough to build. If I've made any obvious mistakes with the architecture, please let me know.

I'm still working on a couple things, trying to make it as accurate as possible, but it's essentially finished. If you'd like to see it in more detail, you can visit my SMP server or download the schematic. I hope you guys like it.
Progress100% complete

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08/04/2011 8:21 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Huebert's Avatar
This is Soo sick! How long did this Take? A month? It looks great man! Please Keep up the work :D
08/04/2011 8:26 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Spelunker
JohnM92's Avatar
Thanks a lot. It took about two weeks, but I've been tweaking it since then. I've built some other Zelda related stuff on my server, but nothing else as big as the temple. Currently working on a Deku Dungeon, so I might post that once it's a bit closer to completion. :D
08/05/2011 12:17 am
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Huebert's Avatar
Thats soo Cool man!! How Big is the Building? I would love to Put it somewhere in my world of Boats haha. I just make Boats and Sometimes Buildings. I would love to Put that in my world! Thimbs up and im subsribing!
08/05/2011 7:46 am
Level 34 : Artisan Spelunker
JohnM92's Avatar
Thanks. Not sure which building you meant. The temple is about 134x53x64, including the water infront of it.

It's hard to say how big the dungeon is. There's a small Deku tree above ground, and the rest is underneath it. The main part of the dungeon is a wooden cuboid, and it's 36x46x13. I'm having a bit of trouble trying to make it non-linear, but if I find a way round that, it might be finished in a couple days.

If you, or anyone else, have a suggestion for the dungeon, I'd be happy to hear it. If I use anyone's suggestion, I'll be sure to give them credit.
08/06/2011 12:40 am
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Huebert's Avatar
Take some more Pictures man! :) This is sweet! Take some pictures of the Dungeon!
