Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The World of Norrath (a 10K x 10K MMORPG world)

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Bflojim05's Avatar Bflojim05
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Project Norrath (PN) is a minecraft server based off the old Everquest MMORPG games but with some special lore and whatnot.
we are in dire need of builders and staff in general currently... so if you would like to join fill out the sheet down below.
We are aiming to recreate the hardcore social feel of Everquest... so if you have anything to help out go ahead and tell us. (sorry for me not exactly being a wizard with my words... im in a rush)

Zones on the map: 16 areas, each with there own custom trees and boime types



Do you like the RPG or MMORPG genre? Why or why not?

Have you built a lot of stuff within the RPG or Fantasy genre? Give examples.

Screenshots of past builds + proof (if possible and at least 2 screenshots):

Why should we accept you?
Thank You for giving us a lookies
Progress100% complete

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11/02/2016 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cjcat3's Avatar
I like it very much! Well done with the Volcano and the desert areas!
09/25/2016 10:41 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Farmer
Hexen16's Avatar
I LOVE this idea! As an Everquest player from days of old, I long for an ingame community of respect, helpfulness, creativity, story and challenges. Exploration and adventure is sorely missed in online. Roleplay in online games has turned into a perverted joke.

My hope is you can recreate the Grobb and Innothule swamp, my favorite starting zone. Erudin would be nice as I recently have created an erudite skin. (See my avatar 😀)

What cities are you going to recreate?
09/29/2016 5:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Bflojim05's Avatar
Hopefully All! im setting up a basic MMORPG Server and hope to raise funds so i can have everything perfect!!! P.S i love your skin... i think im going to look for a Iskar one Now c":
08/08/2016 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Savageheart's Avatar
Nice terrain did you use Worldmachine first for it or straight up worldpainter?
