Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

TnT Wars - Commandblock Multiplayer Minigame - Vanilla - Subscriber Special!

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ITxGamer's Avatar ITxGamer
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
This is the Alpha version 1.00 of the TnTWars minigame!
The idea is from the american Youtuber NoahCraftFTW and ... Just look him up!
Pls help me to find bugs and report them to me!
It could be, that you die some times, when u enter the first time the map! (help me fix this Bug)
You need 1.8!
Play on Peaceful!
Turn PvP off!
The MiniGame requires Multiplayer (minimum of two player)!
Activate Commandblocks!
The should reset it self, so u can play the map often as u want without changing the map
Have Fun and enjoy the Minigame!
Visit me now on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9wYBxxYzWC5OTTv_JfkRg
o the TnTWars Official Video: https://youtu.be/16-ag2ppLRI
CreditITxGamer=Creator, JumdoHD=Tester
Progress75% complete

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11/02/2015 3:39 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
ITxGamer's Avatar
There will be a Trailer after the Alpha, but a short Info video is already out on youtube!
