Minecraft Maps / Other

Truth or Dare Beta Version

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DaJkidRocks's Avatar DaJkidRocks
Level 27 : Expert Modder
This is my Truth or Dare map where the objective for the players is to win the most points. This is only the Beta test Version, so I'm still working on it. Another map I did by myself, and I used a lot of redstone in this as well. I even accidentally figured out a few tricks making this map that I could never figure out. So enjoy playing with your friends, the maximum number of people is 5. And I'm sure I forgot something in this description so I may add more later.
But the Rules and must dos are: The Darer must give the player a point if he completes the dare die or live. And you may not come back if you are a player and you declined the challenge. Right now there is only one challenge, but I'll add more soon in later version. So have fun! PEACE! And if you want to play with me contact me here, dajkidrocks@gmail.com

Additional Notes

I will add a Time and CPU system.
Progress75% complete

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